Chapter 3: Don't trust the Hot Guy with the Blue Eyes

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After I had gotten over my initial happiness of my present, I went upstairs and gave Sloan a call telling her to call the other girls and to get over here, so we can start setting up the backyard for the party. She quickly agreed and hung up, having too much enthusiastic for 8:00 in the morning.

The girls got there within the hour and started ordering people around, telling them were to put things, and how to cook things. Not too soon after this my mother ordered us out of the working space so we could go and get ready.

As the girl and I got ready I started thinking about everything in my life so far, and how much I felt that I was missing from it. I didn't have a great love that broke my heart or a friend that I felt completely safe with. It's so incredibly sad of what I have let my life become. I can't wait to get out of here and go to a college far away, after this year I never want to see these people again. Regina dragged me out of my depressing thoughts by throwing a pillow at me, thus starting the great pillow war.

The pillow war lasted about 15 minutes before my house keeper came in a told us that my mother was expecting us downstairs in 1 hour for pictures before the party. Why we were taking pictures I wasn't really sure, I mean it wasn't like we were going to a school dance or even a premier. Never the less all of us quickly got dressed. I wanted my dress to be simple, a statement that I was moving on from childish things, and more into adult things. Which thinking back on it, is something pretty childish in itself. but there was no time to change it now.

I slipped on the dress, it was floor length, navy in color, strapless and had a couple fabric tucks in the chest area to give it something more then just a hunk of fabric. I was going to be wearing black heels with it, at the demand of my mother as well as a heart necklace and crystal ring that belonged to my grandmother. I never told the girls that though, they would make me take it off because it was old. So instead I told them it was from a vintage jewelry store and cost me a small fortune. They believed it, easily thinking that I would never lie to them about clothes or accessories. This is why I needed to get out of here.

Mercy and Faith's dresses were so different, Mercy's was pure white, one strapped and layered it gave it a vintage 50's look. Faith's was strapless and bright orange, it was the kind of traffic cone orange that made you stop and stare, which I guess is what she wanted, also included a diamond covered belt going around the waist, the bottom was neon pinks and oranges, with slightly purples feathers covering everything. Regina's was gold base color on the top with black swirls and the bottom was a black ruffles. However Sloan had the most shocking dress of us all, she was usually the one with class and poise but her dress was a silver skin tight number and had pink streaks going all over it.

As the party was approaching I was getting impatient. We had gotten ready early and yet we couldn't even go into the kitchen or backyard because, we would get yelled at for "working on my special day". So we stayed cooped up in my room, waiting, for what seemed like an eternity, I can only stay in confined space with Faith for so long until my head explodes. Finally my mom came up stairs but, not to bring us down, oh no we had to listen to her lecture about not getting drunk and then get taken advantage of, but at the same time to let loose and have fun. I really hated being a girl sometime.

Of course half of my friends have already lost their virginity, gotten drunk and taken to the cops or even been date raped, yet not one of them seem to take precautions even after those things happened. Of course I haven't told them about me, I told them a fake story, which was too good to be true, yet they all believed that I would do it.


We took at least 700 pictures with a professional photographer my mom and dad hired, I took at least 300 of them by myself or with mom and dad. They insisted that they needed them, but I knew that they really just wanted them to give to agents and anyone else who would take me off their hands. Not that I could blame them, I was a handful, being a only child I was demanding, rude, and often a bitch, but I did love my parents, just not their ideals.

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