Chapter 7: Over-Protective Much?

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Avery's POV

I didn't want to leave Kate in such a trying time, but Mason's instant interrupting drew me away. Once alone he told me that someone was trying to invade the border line. I was extremely annoyed, at first I told them just to go check it out, which led them to tell me that they did and they need me to go check it out. Finally managing to give me a major headache, I went with them to go and see.

I fled as fast as I could, before she could know that I left. I ran until I found where Mason was standing. There was defiantly something wrong, where the river should be, there was a valley of rocks that had a moss overgrowth and decomposing dead body.

The body appeared to be a human, it was hard to tell. Their skull was crushed in, with maggots flowing out, facial features had all but faded away, except for one of the eyeball socket's was hollow. An empty darkness lurking behind it. The left arm was bent at a funny angle and both of the knee caps seemed to have been crushed. It was gruesome to behold, and an even more gruesome way to die. I looked across the river bank at the "Dark Side of the woods" as we call it. That's where most of our enemy's live, the Vampires, Black Pixies, and a rough pack set on tearing me down. Now mind you that's just some of out enemy's, and not all are evil, our pack has made friends with many species.

Mason kicked a pebble from above down into the ridge, "What do you think could have caused this?" He asked. Mason was my third in command, he was more built then I was, with wavy black hair that most girls found attractive, and vibrant green eyes. He was also British or Irish I couldn't really tell the different, plus he got defensive when I asked.

"I have a guess," Said Isaiah from behind me

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"I have a guess," Said Isaiah from behind me. Isaiah was a little skinner then Mason and I, but he was build. He had a 6-pack that visibly stood out from under most of his clothes.

I looked back at him, "Trises Pack," I said standing up and walking back to the house.

"We need to see if there are any survivors...." Mason started.

"It's the Trises, you know there are no survivors." I said cutting him off my anger boiling in my veins.

We fought the Trises pack years ago, they had nearly whipped out our pack with the slaughter of many, men, women, children. They have no mercy, they feel nothing, they only lived to kill, and to make their opponent suffer before they kill them by playing mind games on them.

I had fought along side my family, my father ,the pack leader, who had died right before my eyes, along with my mother, the most feared warrior in our pack, and my brother, David, who was my mentor and a skilled fighter.

I was one of the only ones left, the one to stop the war basically that's what made me Alpha now. I had killed Lisa, the other Alpha's mate, it was an accident. She was trying to run away and hide but I thought she was a spy, so I killed her.

I was fuming so much I hadn't even realized that I was already back at the house. I slammed the front door open and made a loud bang. It caused Becka to jump up from the couch and Aiden to scream like a little girl. Conner just rolled his eyes and just starred talking to Kate again, but Kate was looking at me with something I've never seen before.

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