Friends Betrayal

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The warships bombard Evenrise with an array of artillery strikes causing widespread panic among the citizens as they flee for their lives. Foot soldiers descend from the airships and continue wreaking havoc.

Kasen and Ashli hurry around Legion seeing Kika sniffing the air. Legion operatives prepare an offensive assualt. The front line makes it their duty to protect the medical unit who will tend to the injured citizens.

"There humans," Kika said when she sniffed the air. How did they get here and why do I care?"

"We'll worry about that later. Right now our duty is to protect Evenrise," Kasen replies.

"Ha, you said duty," Kika laughs."


"All right already." Kika spitted at Kasen.

"We'll cover more ground if we split up. I'll take the west routes, that way I can see if Vonnies okay since she does rounds in this area, you two will take the North and East, those paths merge. I'll meet you as soon as I'm finished.

"Be careful," Ashli urges.

Kasen smiles and nods before going down west district.

Kasen can hear the screams of the citizens and the fighting of Apparitions and humans. Artillery fires soars over him and crashes into houses and other buildings.

"It's an apparition, kill it!" A foot soldier shrieked pointing at Kasen. They surround him, armed with automatic weapons and swords. Kasen draws his sword as they attack, taking out several soldiers. A soldier fires a barrage of aura attacks that Kasen dodges and after palming the soldier's head he slams him into ground. The soldiers look dumbfounded when Kasen keeps his momentum and shatters the armor of his next target with a gut wrenching drop kick. The aura sphere he had received from the lady begins to glow and as if instinct kicked in Kasen swings his blade emitting a powerful gust that sent the remaining soldiers colliding into nearby walls.

Kasen reaches into his pocket to pull out the sphere. It emits a green gust.

"Wind?" He examines it for a moment and then puts it back in his pocket.

Kasen proceeds further down the district defeating any soldiers that get in his way. Coming to the border of the higher up district and slums. Human soldiers have several Apparitions hostage.

"Look at em, not so high and mighty now are you." The soldiers mock the Apparitions.

"Just wait till Legion gets here you'll regret it." An apparition hostage shouted.

The soldiers laugh at the hostage. One of them examines a young teen girl who made the comment.

"Little brat," the soldier squeezed her cheeks with his fingers. "Wanna know something interesting about Legion. It was made to..."

His attention turns to seeing soldiers getting beat down by Kasen.

"We were wondering when you Legion pest would show up."

Soldiers a their weapons at Kasen waiting for further orders.

"Try anything heroic and your next assignment will be cleaning up the district of dead bodies." The soldier scans Kasen with his visor mask. He becomes stunned by what it reads. "No...he can't be?"

Aura projectiles rain down on the soldiers. The distraction allows the citizens to flee. Kasen

"Kasen," Melony shouted from a building top, she jumps down to him.

"Screw this just kill them." The soldier shouted

The soldiers charge at the two apparitions. Kasen and Melonys combined power fends them off, but a war ship hovering over them sends more troops.

Forever Will End: Kasens OriginWhere stories live. Discover now