Kasen: 17 Years

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From slum to elitist. Kasen as exceeded beyond anyone's expectations. He takes on the most dangerous assignments along with his partners Ashli and Kika. Due to his efforts the awareness of slum poverty rose and the gate that had separated them from the world was brought down and much relief given to them.

  Other problems have surfaced for Kasen has become elite over the past few years. Siegfried (A.K.A. Drumboom) lurking around the corner. The creatures created by the feral becoming more common, and Kyle, Ashli's supposed love interest plots to replace him. Making Kasen realize that he holds feelings for her as well.

 Kasen enjoys the breeze of the grass plain early morning. He watches the clouds sail by hand recalls joining Legion. The memories of making new friends and becoming stronger as a whole.

"Mister?" An elderly woman interrupted his train of thought. "Are you here for the assignment?"

As of late creatures that were created by feral have targeted village towns. Theres no clear reason why this is.

Kasen follows the woman to her village ad the residents are fleeing from a black reptilian  creature turns houses to rubble. A lone child whines with fright when their hiding spot is destroyed. The creature lunges at the child, but Kasen manages to intercept the attack catching its jaws and hurling it over. The child runs to his parents who hide behind one of the remaining standing houses and observe the ongoing battle. The creature turns it's rage to Kasen, attacking with its long tail. Kasen catches it and holds on as the creature hurls him through the air trying to shake him off. A flick will send Kasen into the air and as he descends the creature opens its mouth to devour. He  nearly does the splits when his feet catch the sides of the creature's mouth. Annoyed the creature snaps sending Kasen in the in the air again, and ready to attack on the descend Kasen draws his sword but is caught off guard as the creatures tail hits him and sends him sliding across the dirt. As Kasen gets up he quickly matrix dodges when the creature soars just over him. With powerful swing Kasen cuts deep into the creatures belly and it crash lands spilling black ooze. Its body thrashes and squeals in agony before fading away.

 The villagers celebrate with the creatures defeat. Each giving their thanks to Kasens. The children dance and play around him and even a few of the village woman ask to marry him.
The elderly woman hands Kasens a green orb.

"This is an aura sphere used to awaken your hidden potential. I believe there's great power within you young apparition. May this aid you.'

Kasens waves good bye to the villagers after he calls the relief team and. returns to Legion.

Ashli waits for the other two after already completing her assignment. At seventeen she has matured beautifully. Growing a bit taller she made changes to her wardrobe. Now her top is a white silky shirt with light blue metal bands across the waist, neck, and back. The bottom are long compressions and a blue battle skirt.

Kyle who's always lurking near coolly confronts Ashli eying her from top to bottom in interest.

"Ashli you look amazing," he says, but his flattery doesn't impress."Since we have free time how about we..."

"Ashli!" Kika yelled, running to her and trips over herself. She quickly gets up and pretends nothing happened.

 Kika has grown, but hasn't matured. She too has made changes to her attire, but more rock star theme then combat theme. She wears spike wrist bracelets, a black diamond earring in one ear and a purple on the other. She has a tattoo of a tarantula on her left hand and wears black laced boots. She keeps her black leather tank top and short-shorts.

"You're back?" Ashli  replies. "Did you actually do it?

"Yeeesss?" she says thinking she might of forgot. Kika has been known to bail on her assignments.

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