Defenders of Humanity

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After several days of intensive training, Viz had informed Kasen to explore the Grand Capital, Beigha, to find the whereabouts about the mysterious apparition cult who aided the humans to destroyed their world and plot to do the same to human world. Given a special holo-card card he can enter the city.

Beigha is a utopia that's surrounded by towering concrete walls to 'keep out the ugly.' The city booms with entertainment and its streets are always crowded with people. At the core of the city is a meadow so it's citizens can go outside without actually having to go outside. Saint Guard patrol the city and meadows mostly dealing with lost civilians. Job boards were everywhere offering rewards if completed. Kasen unnerved by the activeness of the humans compared to the apparitions of Evenrise.

Catching Kasens eyes as he explores the city is a gold statue of a man holding a unique rod. Below him was a message reading: St. Palmer, the man who saved humanity.

A group of adults stand by the statue.

"Did you hear that the student train was attacked a few days ago?"

"Yea. Some maniacs got past the security somehow. I can't imagine how scary that must of been for the students on board."

"Thankfully the Saints Guard arrived in time before any major damage was done."

"Attackers?" Kasen wondered who it could've been. As he thinking Saint Gaurd bumps into him
"Hey watch it kid." The guard barked at him. He was an older man with a terrible reek when his breath shot into Kasen's nostrils.

Kasen was too disgusted by the smell.

"What's your name I'm arresting you for misconduct." The guard felt around his uniform until he pulled out a pair of cuffs.

"Terri. You've been drinking again."Another guard confronts him.

"More like I haven't drank enough." Terri laughs.

"If the supervisor sees you like this you're done"

Terry tries acting sober for a moment. "Oh the hell with ya." He wobbles away taking sips from a container.

"Apologies. Some Guards abuse their power. I hope this is the last he troubles you." He goes to continue his rounds.

Kasen sees a coated figure dashing through the crowd, a few more are stare at him from buildings above. Kasen tries blending with the crowd but everywhere he turns there's one eyeing him. He finds an abandoned alley were they surround him. Kasen readies his sword.

"I don't need to draw this out, I only need to slip past them."

"Relax already." Noel reveals himself.
"Follow me, and keep low."

Kasen follows Noel through the deserted allys. When they come to a dead end. Noel puts his hand against the wall and a hologram scans it before opening a small door. They go down to a dim lit basement.

The room is filled with people sharing food, supplies or conversing with each other. Upon seeing Noel they welcome his return.

"Kasen." Shouted Holt, waving across the room. Kasen walks over to him.

"You must be the the Holt was talking about who freed us." Holt's father shook Kasen's hand, his man graciously hugs him.

"Thank you Kasen, your dues are paid." Smiled Holt.

"Haven't found your friends?" Reggie entered the room. "Maybe we can help."

Kasen follows Reggie to the back rooms. There Reid and Erin use a computer to observe the city above. Erin smiles with glee when she sees crush again.

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