Evil and Good

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Over an hour of journeying, battling feral and entities, Kasen reaches the northwestern area of the region. The holo-card has taken him to a sinister meadow where trees stand at towering heights and brisk chill flows through the air. A small sign reads: 'For apparition eyes only. All evil is forbidden.

Keeping that in mind he journeys on. The meadows of the northwest are too quiet prompting him to quicken his pace. Just up ahead of the trail a glimmer of light but when he reaches it he finds himself at the entrance. Distraught he tries a second time only getting the same result. A third attempt is more cautious, no sign of enemies or nothing out of the ordinary. The light at the end is near but the other way is darkness. He notices small fragments of light floating above. Moving forward the lights form a glass wall. When he put his hand on it it appears on the same side. A message displayed reads. Bearer of evil begone from these enchanted grounds.

From the shadows a majestic apparition woman appears. Everything about her is gorgeous. Her bleach hair, blue eyes, white blue combat outfit, feathers sticking from her head and smooth porcelain skin. Kasen felt both smitten and intimidated by her. He steps aside as she casually walks past him and goes through the glass wall with ease.

"Cant you read boy." She asked. Her voice was deep and soothing. "You're forbidden from entering."

"What for?" Kasen asked.

"These woods are protected by Enchants that repel evil power."

"Are you referring to Negative Element?"

"Much evil has befallen the worlds," she continued. "It's claimed the apparition world. If nothing is done this world will also fall. Ive been searching for a way to vanquish it, but I may lack the strength."

"But if your still fighting then you haven't truly given up yet. I'd like to find a way to destroy it too."

"foolish," she scolded. "Evil is endless. Destroying one gives birth to another. That one being more formidable than the last. This is evil at its core."

"So you're just giving up?"

"There are those in this world that I cherish more than anything," she softly replied. "I'll do whatever I must to ensure they'll survival. Do you cherish bearer of evil?"

Kasen regrettably thinks about Ashli.

"Err, sort of," he stammered. But I'm here to help. I have this holo-card to prove it." When he shows her it, she cuts it in half.

"As long as you harbor the evil power no amount of evidence will allow you passage to sanctuary. That is if your capable of bringing down the barrier yourself."

"Okay. What do I have to do."

"I created this barrier, using life link enchants. Only if I'm slain will this barrier fall."

"Isn't there any other way." Kasen tried reasoning.

"If you wish to prove you're not evil, then do what you must for the good of this world."

She draws a blue diamond sword and immediately attacks Kasen. Her swordplay is a combination of elegance and dancing. Keeping Kasen on edge.

"Do fear it?" she could said. The evil with you yearns to destroy all, and you claim to be good?

"I already told you I'm not evil!" Kasen yelled, who's struggling against the woman's swordplay.

"Youre in denial." The woman lands a strong kick to Kasen's chest that knocks him down.

"There has to be another way of getting through the barrier," he thought as he rose to his feet. "How do I convince her that I'm not evil?"

"You may believe yourself more mannered than your evil dwelling brethren, but when those you cherish realize what you are, They'll distance themselves from you, fear you, curse you. Understand that you can only inflict suffering onto them."

Kasen looks as though he's given up the battle.

"You gain nothing from siding with evil and to prevent you from inflicting further harm you must be eliminated."

She raises her sword, and brings it down onto Kasen, but he catches her wrist before her sword strikes him.

"You're testing my patience," Kasen growls. "You're right about one thing. The power I harbor is evil but I need it to defeat the REAL evil. I'll never use it to cause suffering, so If killing you is the only way I can protect my friends then so be it. I'm not doing it for evil, but because you're in my way of doing good." Infusing aura into his sword he strikes at the woman creating a destructive tornado. After it fades the woman had barely scathed his attack by using a shield she had summoned. She struggles to hold as Kasen's sword went through it and is dangerously close to piercing her forehead.

"Forgive me." With mighty thrust Kasen pushes his sword through her shield it gauges deep into her head.

"Youre-the one who'll vanquish...evil." As she fades age softly smiles. The barrier itself shatters.

Kasen hated himself for being a harbor regardless if his was different. With the barrier destroyed the sanctuary was vulnerable, he had to warn them of the impending danger. As he hurries he goes past the same woman he presumably killed.

"One must be prepared for the unexpected young apparition," she said. Hold her hand over her heart.

"Did you get your answer Kiera?" Chantel appears before the woman.

"Chantel." Kiera bitterly replies.

"Was this what you were expecting after the failures youve made. You may have ended the brutal era but that only ignited worse flames. Your daughter Ashli wants your head after you parted the strongest  Divine weapon to your son Rycko. Speaking of whom was the spawn of your affair when you broke your Sacred Vow."

"Ashli was never worthy of the Sacred Blade. She brought that upon herself. Why are you hear?"

"Shouldn't it be obvious."

"So you've been watching over the boy?"

"I'm doing what needs to be done," Chantel said. "If he dies before he's served his purpose then so be it."

"I dont that. I believe you'll ensure no harm comes to him, even after you find the answers you seek."

Chantel let's out an irritated growl.

"I won't interfere in whatever plans you have here. We both have our complications and now have placed on our loved ones. To rely on others to solve our problems sickens me."

"He and your daughter have a grudge to settle before they can get on track." Chantel smirks.

"No, I could see in his eyes," Kiera smiled. "He still cares for her."

Forever Will End: Kasens OriginWhere stories live. Discover now