thinking out loud

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Gumballs POV

I quickly pushed marshalls naked booty off of me while laughing at his attempt to lighten the mood. "were the fireworks really necessary." I ask as I try to awaken the unconscious maid. "um Gummy? You might want to put some pants on before she comes to; because right now shes being royally teabagged." I blush a deep red and see marshall smirk licking his shrunken fangs as I scramble to find a lab coat. "arent you going to try to find something?!" I whisper yell in a panicked voice. He scratches the back of his neck biting his lip slightly. "well ya see there are still some powers I havent really shown you yet. Since I can manipulate the way people see me aka shape shifting I can also do this."  suddenly the lab is engulfed with shadows circling marshalls floating form; instantly he is clothed with his usual red flannel shirt dark skinny jeans and converse. My jaw drops instantly amazed by the transformation. Marshall straitens the flannel with a proud grin brightening his face. "pretty bad ass huh?!" My bombard of questions are interrupted by the confused mumbling of my beloved maid on the lab floor. I quickly check my lab coat buttons before rushing over to her my bare feet padding across the cold tile. "I'm sorry sire, I did not mean to walk in on you and Mr.Abadeer." A deep red covers her pale complexion. I caress her cheek softly and pull her into a hug. "No harm done peppermint." she hugs me back tightly. I hear Marshall awkwardly cough floating up behind me. "Sorry Peppermint. Didn’t mean to scare you to death with the size of my demon dick." peppermint maid stiffens in my arms. I turn to scold Marshall but to my surprise he has already flown off to my bed chambers; his contagious laughter filling the halls. Im engaged to an immortal four year old.

After sending peppermint on her way back to bed I transcend down the large hall back to my bed chambers. Finally reaching the large wooden door I open it softly revealing a dark room. "M-marshall? Where are you baby?" All the candles suddenly light with a loud 'WOOSH!' A giggling marshall stacking pillows around the door of his makeshift fort. "I made us a kingdom of our own. Just me and you baby." A deep red blush creeps its way up my neck causing my ears to burn hot.

Marshall POV

I wanted to do something cute for gummy. Since the night was still young and he didn’t have any duties until eight am; that means five hours to make him smile and laugh. Make my star shine just for me. I know it will take him a while to get here; the castle halls are like a maze of doors and stairs. Using my demon powers I turn invisible and do a quick run through of the castle grabbing every couch cushion and pillow I can. Soon im back in the bedroom making the most kick ass pillow fort I can in thirty seconds. I quickly dive inside the pillow mass and extinguish all the candles as the bed room door creaks open. "M-marshall? Where are you baby?" gumballs velvety voice fills the room. I make the candles relight and start giggling like crazy; loving my pillow and blanket creation. "I made us a kingdom of our own. Just me and you baby."  I float out of my fort and grab gummys hand pulling him into a tight hug. His red cheek burning hot against mine as I kiss his temple enjoying the tender moment. "can we go in the fort now?" gumball asks shyly in that adorable princely tone of his. "not until you do the secret password." he looks at me with an arched eyebrow obviously questioning my statement. I then stick my tongue out playfully and lay on the ground spreading my arms and legs and chanting. "PHOTOSYNTHESIS!" and that’s how I made gumball pee his pants from laughter.

~time skip to eight am~

"my king your breakfast is here are you decent?" peppermint calls through the door.  I pop my head out of the warm pillow fort and look back at gummy now reading one of his dorky books. "yea hes pretty much decent and hungry he hasn’t shut up about parfait and pancakes for the last two hours!!" I yell back laughing at myself as gummy spanks me lightly with his book. "isnt it a little early to get kinky babe? I mean I guess I can do something with the syrup that’s coming." I wiggle my eye brows suggestively and gumball reddens again before climbing over me and letting his beloved maid in with his meal. The maid sits the metal tray on gumballs desk and curtsies to me and her king before quietly exiting the room her high heels clicking along the way. Gumball begins stuffing his face with all the sweet treats syrup all over his mouth. "awe sweety youre adorable" I kiss his sticky lips the smell of pancake radiating off of my sweet king. He quickly swallows the pancake and smiles at me with a cheeky grin. "are you hungry marshall?" he asks concern lacing his voice. "that’s cute babe im always hungry but its not that bad right now im fine." my stomach then proving my point with a slight growl.  Gumball starts chuckling at glob knows what causing me to laugh along with his contagious joy. "whats so damn funny?" I ask wiping a black tear threatening to fall. "I was just thinking of how lucky I will be when the honey moon rolls around. The synthetic blood really messes with your hormones; yum I love it." My ears start to burn with an intense blush and the room instantly feels like I am sitting on the sun. "I don’t care what the blood does im topping during the honey moon." I say with a tinge of embarrassment. Gumball quickly stands and unbuttons the lab coat hes worn all morning slowly revealing his toned chest and shoulders but hiding what I really want to see. He then bites his plush pink lip and leans in as if to kiss me but pulls away slightly palming my hardening buldge. I moan softly and see gummy grin evilly before going into the bathroom and locking the door. My vampire hearing picks up on a slight whisper through the door. "Im topping marshie. You're my bad little boy." I look down at the tension in my jeans. Well fuck hes right.

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now