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Gumballs POV
LONG LIVE THE KING!! Rang through my ears as I searched the seemingly endless crowd. I saw flame prince, LSP, berry prince, muscle prince, even juice goose! But alas no sexy vampire king in sight. I still hold my head high masking my sadness everywhere but my eyes. The crowd seems to settle down allowing me to finally speak for the first time as king. I walk to the front of the stage raising my hand to show I wish to speak. The crowd instantly goes silent waiting for my royal decrees. "As your king I promise to do everything in my power to keep this kingdom safe. It is my birth right to hold this position and I promise to not shame this honor." Clapping and cheering fills the crowd. I stand proudly adjusting the new crown on my head before walking down the stairs to my citizens. All bow their heads in respect some hold out their babies which I happily kiss on the forehead. All the while I feel a cold hand brush my shoulder I turn quickly but see no one. Hm must be the sleep deprivation getting to me. After a couple hours of chatting with my subjects and kissing probably every infant in AAH I finally release them back to their respectful kingdoms and homes; a wide smile on my face. I yawn and check my watch '1:43'. I rub my eyes and call for my beloved maid. "Peppermint maid!! Could you spare me a moment of your time?" Her heels tap against the concrete of the quickly emptying courtyard. "Yes pr-I mean king gumball." I yawn again. "Cancel all my afternoon appointments and have them rescheduled. I am just exhausted today." She curtsies. "Yes sire as you wish." And with that she hurries off.
I walk through all the familiar halls of the castle until reaching my bed chambers. I open the door when a familiar scent engulfs me. Rose petals and apples; candles are lit all around the dimly lighted room. Confused I turn for the light switch but instead I'm met with a pair of glowing red eyes. I gasp frightened and stumble back but a pair of strong arms catch me. I stare into those beautiful eyes speechless. Soft lips graze mine until I can't wait any longer. I deepen the kiss biting his bottom lip softly rewarded with a small moan. I run my hands through his raven black hair confused about half of it being gone (but thats a question for a different time)before finally speaking....."HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN MY ROOM!" Marshall laughs before dropping me on the floor with a thud and floating over to the light switch flipping it on. "Way to kill the mood gumwad." I stand up glaring at him as I straighten out my kingly attire. "Breaking and entering should not be taken so lightly." I say adjusting my crown from my fall and straightening my tie. He chuckles before slowly unbuttoning his shirt staring at me with those gorgeous red eyes. "You didn't miss me baby??" He coos as he undoes the last button taking off the flannel with ease. I feel a blush rising up my neck as I study each new detail of Marshall's chest. Deeply cut abs and hip line, more defined arm muscles and sexy as hell snake bites that accent his pearly white fangs. Heat pools in my lower stomach and I bite my lip. Marshall's velvety voice fills my ears again this time more raspy and wanting."I've missed you a lot baby I wanna touch everything you're still mine-." He flies over to the lightswitch turning it off quickly and is then kissing my neck and whispers in my ear. "I've dreamt about you every night waiting for this moment. To hear you say my name all over again." He grinds against the wanting bulge in my pants while unbuttoning my coat. I smirk before pushing him away. A confused look crosses his face. I smile before leading him to my bed. "Lay down." I said in the same raspy tone as him. Marshall smiles and lays down taking off his pants in the process. I smile kindly before taking off my tie and grabbing his hands tying them around the bed post as tight as I could. Marshall smiles. "Getting kinky are we baby?" He pulls against the tie slightly but lays there content. I take off my dress pants and shoes before straddling my vampire lover and kissing his neck. Marshall moans out in pleasure before I stop to whisper in his ear what I've been dying to say for the past month. "I hope you're ready for all of me." I take off my boxers as he stares at my erection. "Because I'm the king now."

Should there be a full smut scene next chapter or skip it? Comment what you think I should do!! Love you guys! Xoxo -pikachu

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