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Marshall's POV
"Hello Mother." I say sternly through clenched teeth fangs bared. Why would she be here now? She's never cared about me before; at least Simone cared before she went bat crap crazy on me. "Come on Marshie don't speak to your mother in that tone." Ugh her high pitched voice is so annoying. I rolled my eyes letting out an exasperated sigh. "Cut the crap what do you want?" I roll my eyes slightly annoyed. A slight smirk appears on my mothers features she then adjusts her raven black bun and smooths out the dull grey pantsuit before continuing. "Your one thousandth birthday passed not too long ago did it not?"
"Yea what about it? I don't age so what does it matter?" Annoyance in my voice as I float on my back putting my hands behind my head.
"You should be craving blood by now." I drop to the floor sitting there dumbfounded staring holes into her face. "How do you know about that?!" I practically yell, nervousness radiating from my voice. "Marshall it's okay normal really! You've already been through puberty and this is no different! Well less hairy and awkward but you will understand with time." I blush slightly; puberty was so awkward ugh never again. "Do I have to drink blood? Or will color be able to substitute?" I had to know before I accidentally got too close to anyone. "You need blood Marshall. Your body is changing and it craves it; you will need at least a pint every few days." A WHOLE PINT!? How am I suppose to get blood like that?! "So is there a blood bank in the Nightosphere or something?" She laughs a deep sinister laugh. "No but you could see if your little prince would like to share. Blood makes the sex even better." I blush a deep red."it's time for you to leave." I float to the door opening it roughly. She simply shrugs un phased. "Just telling ya!" She yells as I close the door. "GO AWAY MOM!" I yell back locking the door just in case. After standing against the door for a moment I decided to try an apple to curve my hunger. I float over to the small kitchen a basket of red apples on the counter. After finding the biggest one there I extended my fangs into the thin skin of the fruit sucking out the color quickly then discarding the grey apple in the trash. "I'm feeling a little better." I say to myself as I float over to my couch hovering over the red leather. Suddenly a wave of hunger washes over me; fangs extended to their full length throbbing painfully. All I could think of is the sweet smell of bubble gum. Quickly unlocking the door I flew as fast as I could to my delicious candy prince.

Gumball POV
After Marshall was finally out of view I turned to my bed room and yawned calling for peppermint maid. "Peppermint maid! Would you be a dear and come here for moment." Soon enough I heard the sound of her tiny heels on the light pink tile of the castle floors."back so soon prince gumball?" I smile brightly remembering each detail of the perfect day."yes. I got a bit cold today so I wish to turn in for the night if you could tell the council to send up the paperwork needed for this week in the morning it would be much appreciated." I say to her in a calm and loving tone; a smile soon appearing on her face. "As you wish prince Gumball." And with a small curtsy she left the room closing the door behind her.
Exhausted I took off my clothes left in only my pink and white striped boxers and crawled into bed quickly falling asleep. I was soon startled awake by the opening of the large balcony doors. Frightened I quickly turned on my bed side lamp ready for a fight only to be greeted by a distraught looking Marshall. "Marshall baby what's wrong?" I ask worried for my boyfriend. Then I finally saw his face his fangs fully exposed and sharp eyes a crimson red with pupils of a snake. I gasp and manage to studder,"w-w-whats wrong with you Marshie?" He then looks at me licking his lips and whispers a raspy word barely legible..."I'm hungry."

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