Bunnies Turn

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Fiona’s POV

After a long morning of butt kicking cake and I finally made it back to the tree house only to be greeted by a banana guard at our door.

“Fiona the Human! Prince Gumball is making an announcement in the front courtyard of the kingdom. We aren’t sure of the details of the announcement but we would like you to be there.” I smile at him and turn to cake, “whadda think? Want to go?” Cake puffs up her fur “of course baby cakes! I can see my lord monochromicorn!!” she blushes and starts running in the direction of the sweet smelling kingdom. “Hey wait for me ya butt!” I grab the banana guards hand practically dragging him along with me to the candy kingdom.

*time skip(she’s just running okay? Nothing special or fluffy this time)*


We finally arrive at the candy kingdom just in time to see PG walk out to the top of the stairs behind the podium.  He looks so calm and collected up there I hope I can have that confidence in front of people one day. The crowd goes quiet; cake and I direct our eyes to him as the pink prince began to speak.

"My fellow candy citizens, thank you for gathering here today on such short notice. It is much appreciated. Thank you council for also making an appearance here, I know your work is never done. I know most of you are aware I am at the age to start looking for a partner to help me run the kingdom; a relationship..."

Cake looks at me a large smile on her face as the crowd erupts in hushed conversation about the prince. Excitement in every citizen’s voice. “Here it comes!” I mouth to cake as Gumball raises his hand to hush the crowd once more.  "I am delighted to tell you i have found someone that makes me the happiest person in Aah." Candy citizens began cheering and clapping meanwhile I wore a smirk that obviously said, ”here it comes!OMG” I saw marshals gray figure float out to the podium I giggled to myself when I saw the large sun hat on his head. “how cute.” Gumball took marshals hand as he looked out to the speechless crowd.  "Citizens of the Candy Kingdom, this is Marshall Lee Vampire King of the Nightosphere. I hope you accept him as my boyfriend so I may be happy with him for many years to come." I start playing with my backpack straps, nervous for the both of them as the head councilman stood and approached the microphone.  "The council has decided that a vote is in order. There will be a poll in the ballroom of the castle tomorrow afternoon. You all are dismissed." We start to leave the courtyard before marshals silky voice stutters across the speakers.  "Please wait! I-I have s-s-something to say."  I’ve never heard marshal sound this nervous before; I guess he has a shred of awkward under that tough guy persona.  " I realize I’m not your first choice for your beloved prince but he's really changed me for the better! I've never felt this way about anyone in one thousand years. I know I’ve scared you guys a lot but when you live as long as i have after a while you run out of things to live for.. Being with Gumball has given me a reason to live; a reason to smile. I swear when I'm around him sometimes I think my heart is beating again and it feels amazing. So please take this into consideration before you vote tomorrow." He must really love PG to put everything out there like that. The crowd slowly disperses and I walk home alone since cake is staying with mono-. I hear something like PGs voice and look up to see marshall carrying him through the sky to Glob knows where. I smile and keep walking…”theyre so cute together” I say to myself as the tree house comes into view.

*middle of the night *

I wake up in the middle of the night to hear someone pounding at my door. I go down stairs grumbling to myself as I yank the door open. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!!!!” My anger fades as I see a crying peppermint maid. “Fiona its prince gumball he’s in the infirmary with great blood loss and fatal puncture wounds…I found him in marshals arms hanging on to life as that….that….monster licked off his fangs.” She said voice shaking between sobs. My heart sank into my stomach with each word. Marshal doesn’t drink blood! He told me himself vampires drink color……he would never do this would he? I invite peppermint inside as I go change clothes making sure to bring my sword. If marshal really did drink PGs blood I will need protection. “where is marshal peppermint maid?” she looks up at me with puffy eyes “we put him in the dungeon until we figure out what to do with him.” I cringed at the thought of my best friend having to stay in that hell hole. Ok lets go. Peppermint leads the way her heels sinking slightly in the grass as we go.

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now