Good morning

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Gumballs POV

I woke up with an awful head ache. I open my eyes but the room is completely dark. Suddenly I feel two strong arms tighten around my waist. 'Oh my glob! Where am I?? Who is that!!?!' I try to wiggle out of the arms holding me until I hear a familiar voice. "Gummy? You awake baby?" Marshall said with a raspy voice. He lets go of me and I scramble out of bed when I realize. "Marshall why am I naked?!" I scream/whisper. Marshall chuckles and I can hear him come closer. "Don't you remember gum gum? I had you screaming my name a couple hours ago." He kisses my neck. I blush and melt at his touch. Finally someone knew why I never wanted to be betrothed to the princesses of other kingdoms. I've had feelings for Marshall for years but I never thought he would feel the same. "M-m-Marshall?" I studder feeling my face heat up in the total darkness. "Yes baby?" Yum that voice! "I never knew you liked guys." I blush a brighter red and stare at the floor. I hear Marshall chuckle his feet now on the ground causing the floor to creak. "I didn't. Until I met you. You're so well....perfect for me." I smile brightly. Those are the words I've been waiting years to hear! Suddenly I feel Marshall's cold lips on mine. How did he know exactly where to kiss? "Marshall? Can you see in the dark?" I ask curious on how the vampire works. "Yea, very well actually I can see you just as good as I can in the day. Are you cold bubba?" I gasp as his hand grazed my member. Marshall chuckles "are you ready for round two so soon?"

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now