teasing time

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Marshall's POV. 

I smiled at gummy in the dark as I held his erect member. "Ready for round two so soon?" I as and trail my fingertips along his length teasingly. Gummy moaned softly moving his hips against my hand demanding attention. "Not so fast bubble butt" I say smiling at his pouting face. I stand behind him and place my hands on his chest kissing his neck. "Mm-m-marshaaaah." Gummy moans as I start dragging my lip up the side of his neck breathing heavily against his skin as my hands rub down his chest to his thighs feeling every curve he had. I let my fangs scrape against the back of his neck taking all the willpower I had to not taste the sweet nectar underneath the skin. I grab gummys hips and rub my cock against his ass. "Marshall please don't make me wait!!" Gummy screams, lust filling his voice. I kiss his neck one more time before lifting him up and setting him on the bed. "Marshall what are you ahh!" I cut gummy off by licking the tip of his length. "Shut up gummy! You talk too much!" I say before I kiss up his member then sucking softly on the tip. Gummy moans pulling at my hair and pushing my head down, wanting more. I grin and take him in bobbing my head up and down quickly letting him reach the back of my throat. Gummy screams in pleasure "oh my glob Marshall it's so mmmmm" I quit sucking and suck lightly on my fingers putting his legs on my shoulders I put a finger in his entrance welcomed by his moans."You ready baby?" I say as I take my fingers out and kiss his red flushed face. "Please Marshall don't make me wait anymore." I grin and slowly enter him. Ill never get used to how amazing the feeling of him is. "Gummy your Mmm you feel really good." I groan as my hips finally touch him. 

Suddenly light fills the room. I hiss at the sudden change. "IM SO SORRY!" Fiona yells as she slams the door back an obvious blush on her face. Her footsteps heard running down the hall to the ladder downstairs. "GLOB DAMN KNOCK NEXT TIME!!" I yell at the door. I look at gummy whose trying not to moan. "Um marshall....you're still in me." He blushes and wiggles his hips causing us both to moan in pleasure. "Fine well make this a quickie. Then we gotta explain all of this to everyone." I say to gummy. He nods and kisses me passionately. "Just fuck me already." He growls. Damn I love dirty bubba. I kiss him as I begin to pump in and out of him. Instead of the drunken sex before; we made love. 

~time skip~ 

After the morning sex, gumball went to take a shower by himself this time so I could surprise him with breakfast. Gummy came downstairs wearing the outfit from yesterday. Damn I should dress him more! His pink hair a shaggy mess lay over his forehead in a lazy mess, just like mine. But he was wearing my black beanie. Hm it suits him. I prefer lazy gum gum to his posh princely self any day. I float over to him and kiss his forehead. "I hope you like strawberries!" I exclaim excited. Gumball giggles,"I thought you said you were making breakfast?" I blush slightly embarrassed," vampires don't really eat so it's kinda the only food I got right now." I float back to the bowl of the strawberries on the counter picking one up and eating the color, leaving it an un appealing grey strawberry. Gumball rubs the back of his neck and laughs. "How rude of me! I forgot all about that, thank you Marshall for the hospitality." He picks up a strawberry, eating the fruit rather quickly. He looks at me questionably. "Are you going to get dressed?" I look down at my bare chest and boxers. "Oh ugh yea, we have some apologies for Fiona." In which gumball replies. "I have a kingdom to explain 'us' to." He looks down nervously. I grab his hand giving it a light squeeze, smiling showing both fangs. "Don't worry they will love you anyway. You're the best leader they've ever had!" Gumball smiles at me and gives me a quick hug. "I love you Marshall." I blush deeply suddenly speechless. "I love you too gummy. With all of where my heart should be." He laughs that adorable laugh. "Go get dressed dummy we have places to be." I smile and float upstairs as fast as I can. Today is going to be wonderful.

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now