Bad little boy

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Marshall's POV
He kissed me. I stood surprised but kissed him back. Wrapping my arms around Gumballs waist, picking him up as a float off the ground. But like all good things they must come to an end. "OMG YOU GUYS DO YOU SEE THEM!!" LSP yelled; breaking the ice among the crowd. I broke the kiss with gumball and put him down. Gummy looks so happy. I think I might like him. Me with the candy prince ha! I pick up gumballs shirt and put it in my pocket letting the fabric hang out loosely. Then direct my attention back to the crowd; now buzzing over what just happened. "Hey!! How about another song!?" Some cheer while others look at me now with disapproval. Pssshhh homophobes. I take the mic and begin to sing smiling a bit at all the glares. "I kissed a boy and I liked it! Taste of his candy Chapstick! I kissed a boy just to try it, hope my girlfriend don't mind it!" I float over to gumball looking at me in awe. Still strumming I kiss his forehead,followed by squeals of fangirls in the crowd. Finally the song is over and I pick gummy up and float over the crowd when I see a familiar bunny hat dancing with, flame prince? Gumball wraps his arms around me and smiles up at me. "Lets go say hi." He says softly gesturing to Fiona. I do as he wishes and make my decent. "Hey Marshall! PG!" Fiona says excitedly; "I didn't know you two were a couple!" I blush and let gumball stand wrapping my arm around his waist to make sure he doesn't fall down. "I didn't know we were either, but I guess things just happen." I look at gumball lovingly as he turned a greenish color? Hmm I've never seen him that color whoa!! He pukes everywhere. "Gummy! Why didn't you say anything!"
Gumball looks at me ashamed "it would have been rude to talk out of turn." How cute even drunk,he remembers his princely manners. I take the shirt out of my pocket and gag a bit as I try to clean the puke off his chest and abs. Hmmm he has more muscle tone than I expected....FOCUS MARSHALL. I turn to Fiona, "sorry Fiona but I gotta go get him cleaned up." I pick gummy up trying to ignore the smell and fly off to my house. I look down at gummy whose fallen asleep in my arms. Do I really love this boy?
We get to my house in no time; I try waking up gummy but he just grumbles. "Gummy you have to wake up, take a shower then you can sleep." He ignores me as I sit him down on my couch so I take off his now puke covered shoes socks and pants leaving him in only his underwear. How is he even asleep?? Fiona has told me that couch is super uncomfortable. Which us understandable, I never sit I just sorta hover over it. I float over to my kitchen and look for a cup, maybe a drink would make him wake up. But I don't have anything good to drink ugh. I don't drink anything hmmm. I go to the freezer and get a handful of ice cubes and return to the sleeping prince. Smiling devilishly I lift up the waistband of his boxers and throw in the ice. "AHHHHH!!! C-c-cold!!!!" Gumball slurs and pulls down his underwear in the middle of my living room. I try to ignore his naked figure and look him in the eyes. "Gumball you gotta shower you smell like shit." I say opening the bathroom door and pulling back the shower curtain. "Only if you take it with me! Marshy!" I blush at the nickname but smirk and start unbuttoning my flannel. "Looks like you really are a bad little boy."

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now