Party Animal!

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Gumball emerges from the bath room wearing the 'vampire approved' apparel and rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Marshall I'm not so sure about this. I don't look very proper." As he examines himself in the mirror.
"You don't have to look proper. It's a party in the woods not a ball or council meeting! Loosen up for once." Marshall says as he tightens his guitar strap.

Gumballs POV
'Ugh! Why must he be so persistent! I have too much work to do!'
I thought,glaring at Marshall. Finally changing my mind I puts on my neon pink converse. "Okay lets go. But Im not staying long!"
Marshall looks at me attempting a puppy eyed stare but it looks too menacing with his red colored gaze. I chuckle,'he can be so cute sometimes.."I knew you couldn't resist me!" Marshall smirks and floats over to the balcony edge. I blush bright red,but ignore it. 'Why must he play with my emotions like that!'
I walk over to the edge of the balcony with Marshall and look over the moonlit candy kingdom, breathing in the wonderful sweet aroma. Caught up in my thoughts I didn't realize Marshall slowly picking me up over the balcony edge.
"AHHH! MARSHALL PUT ME DOWN! I CAN HAVE LORD MONOCROME TAKE ME!" I kick my legs and wiggle around but to no use;even if he did let go we were too high up now. I would be more of a gum wad on the sidewalk rather than a gumball.
"Your horse isn't here, Bubba. This is the party of the year everyone is there! Even Fiona and cake."
"Fine,but could you carry me in a way that's a little more comfortable?" I ask moving around my shoulders,his hands under my arms. 'This is so embarrassing he's holding me like you would a child.'
Marshall groans and throws me 20 feet in the air.
"M-m-marshal!!!!!" I panic and flap my arms. Oh my glob now is not the time to attempt being a bird!! Just as I've accepted my death I land on a rather large furry bat ? "Marshall?" I ask puzzled.
"You can just ride on my back until we get there. It won't be long so don't get too comfortable." I smile, this is transportation of royalty.

Marshall lee POV

We flew in silence after gummy finally quit kicking around. He's so adorable when he's scared. As I softly hum I hear gumball speak up "can you carry me in a way that's a little more comfortable?"
I sigh and throw him in the air. I quickly transform into my demon bat form. I would be devastated if he saw the horrors of my face transform up close. I look up to see gumball flapping his arms like a bird. I chuckle,what the hell is that going to do? He lands on my back with a thud;obviously confused about what exactly happened."Marshall?" He asks. I melt a little at the innocence in his voice...wait what! Marshall lee! Quit thinking like this! It isn't you! Trying to sound calm and collected I tell him; "You can just ride on my back until we get there. It won't be long so don't get too comfortable."

After a while of flying I start seeing the lights of the party and start to land. I transform mid flight and flip around holding gumball bridal style. A light blush appears on his face. Ah how I would love to drink the red from his pretty pink face.
What am I saying!? I'm the vampire king! I only like chicks! Right? I realize I'm still holding bubba even tho were on the ground. "Sorry man,got caught up in my brain junk." Gumball stands awkwardly leaning against a tree. "You ready to party?" I ask floating up next to him. "I don't know Marshall I'm not much of a party animal." He replies softly.
"Come on it will be globs of fun!" I pull him by the wrist into the crowd. I go to the bar and buy him a candy apple shot. "Here drink this maybe it will get that stick out of your butt!" He gives me and angry glare but drinks it. Gummy immediately starts coughing gasping;"it burns!? What is that??"
I smile showing both fangs; "your inner demon. A couple more of those drinks and you'll be a bad little boy" I whisper in his ear, seeing him blush a darker red with every word. He looks absolutely delicious! As me and gummy stand next to the bar a hear an all too Familiar voice,"OH MY GLOB EVERYBODY IT'S MARSHAL LEE!!" I cringe but smile; "hey LSP how's it hangin?"
"You need to sing!" He practically screams and drags me to the stage away from gummy.
LSP grabs the nearest microphone announcing "hey everybody!! Marshall lee is gonna sing us a song!"
I tune my bass just in case and step into the spot light. So many candy people but there's only one I care about; where's my gum gum? I finally see him on a bar stool drinking what looks like his fifth or sixth candy apple. Woah he's gonna feel that tomorrow! I chuckle and say into the microphone,"whose ready to party!!!" I'm greeted by the scream of the crowd as something flies by my head. I turn around to see what it is.. Gummys shirt?!? I look back to the crowd to see a shirtless gummy jumping like a goof ball. He's so drunk; now this can get interesting. I start strumming my bass to one of my favorite songs before that dreaded mushroom war happened.
'Theyre gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in the books to make a citizen out of you. Because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you son because they watch all the things you do. Because the drugs never work they're gonna give you a smirk cause they got methods of keeping you clean. They're gonna rip off your head you aspersions to shreds another cog in the murder machine!" Awe gumball is dancing along! He's so cute. "They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me! They can care less as long as some one will bleed! So darken your clothes and strike a violent pose! Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me!" I then float high above the stage playing a guitar solo. As I float back down for the next verse gumball is stumbling up the stairs of the stage waiting for me. I look at him puzzled as I'm about to ask what he's doing; he kissed me.....and I liked it.

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now