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Gumballs POV

I stood in the empty dungeon staring at the door way. Why did he have to do this alone!? I could help that knuckle head if he would let me!! First my parents and now him!! It's like everyone I love is meant to leave me sooner or later.

~flash back~

I was about 7. Playing on the rug of the front foyer of the castle with my new chemistry set. I pull at the edges of my lab coat that is several sizes too big up on my shoulders and place goggles over my eyes. With as much excitement a seven year can muster I mix the chemicals in the test tubes as a bright purple foam starts to bubble it's way out and all over the carpet. I panicked trying to clean the foam yelling, " code zero! Evacuate the area!!" As I try to soak up the harmless bubbles with the paper towels I had nearby. "Barnaby! What do you think your doing!? You're getting foam all over the carpet!." My fathers deep voice booms across the room as he walks down the stairs into the room. A smile crosses my face as I stand running up to him and giving him a big hug. He was a very tall man; the top of my head barely reaching his stomach. He had very defined features; a strong jaw and wide shoulders, maroon colored hair that highly contrasted with his pink skin. People have told me I had his eyes; a perfect shade of sky blue. I look up at him proud of my experiment." But dad! Science is all about failures! That's how I will know success!" His features relax a bit as a laugh deep in his chest fills the room as he ruffles my hair. "I guess you're right. You're just like your mother." As if on que my mothers voice is heard from the hallway leading to her lab. (Now my lab) "Are you talking about me in there?" I turn my head to see my mother. Her long white hair now pulled up into a bun; and a lab coat falling to almost her ankles. She isn't as tall as my father only reaching his shoulders. She is said to be the most beautiful of the candy kingdom. With very plush lips and large eyes and a thin body. "All the good things baby." My father says slightly then his tone turns more questioning as he sees my mothers attire."We have an important meeting soon in the breakfast kingdom! I thought you were ready this whole time." She smiles before taking off her lab goggles and lab coat; revealing a dark pink formal gown and necklace. Then taking the pin out of her hair letting it fall around her shoulders in loose curls. My dad whistles as I speak up after examining her change in attire. "You look really pretty mommy!" I say as I run up to her hugging her waist. She hugs me back and kisses my cheek softly. "Why thank you Barnaby." I giggle and point to the now drying science experiment on the carpet. "Look mom! I'm just like you! We even had a code zero!" She giggles and kisses my forehead. "I see that, make sure you don't give the maids too much trouble while we are gone okay?" I nod and put my goggles back on running back to my purple foam. "Bye peppermint!" My father calls as he opens the door for my mom."we should be back by the marrow!"

I waved good bye to my dad....little did I know that would be the last time I ever saw them.

The next day went as usual. Peppermint taught me my lessons and then I went outside to play with my pet monocromicorn. But the staff started acting strange by nightfall. The maids would whisper as a walk by; the butlers would try to avoid me. It was finally bed time and my parents still weren't home. Peppermint tucked me in that night kissing my forehead like my mother does every night. I speak up as peppermint maid reaches for the light switch. "Peppermint? When are mommy and daddy coming home." She physically stiffens as she turns back to my bed sitting on the foot and petting my hair like my father does. "Barnaby honey. There was an accident." She takes a deep breath as tears begin to fill my eyes. "Barnaby I'm so sorry but they're not coming home." ~end of flashback~

Since that night I kept to my studies. Always stayed in a royal persona for the good of the kingdom that was given to me at such a young age. I won't be named prince until my 20th birthday. Which so happens to be in a month. Hmm king gumball. Guess I am like my father too.

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