explanation time.

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Gumballs pov.                               

After marshall finally got dressed in his usual black jeans and red t shirt, long gloves and sun hat to avoid exposure we flew off to fiona and cakes tree house. "I cant believe she saw us." I say to Marshall as he squints up into the sun flying quickly due to the sun on his back. "Yea, it shocked me really so much I kinda forgot about what we had started." He chuckled and pulled me closer sohe could kiss my forehead, nuzzling his face in my neck. I giggle softly and blush causing a cheeky smile from Marshall. After a while of flying through the bright and colorful skies of Aah, soon greeted by the sight of Fionna and cake practicing their fighting skills in the yard. "HEY FIONNA!" Marshall yells making a nose dive right for her. I squeal and grab onto the front of his shirt for my life pulling it hard causing Marshall to chuckle and pet my hair as we land in the grass softly. " I would never drop you bubble butt dont worry about it." he casually kisses my cheek and puts me down. I hear a gasp from cake " sweet babies when did this happen!?!?!" she stretches her neck out so her face is infront of mine causing me to blush. " Well you remember LSPs party a couple days ago?" She nods in understanding as Marshall floats over to stand next to Fionna, he whispers something in her ear causing her to giggle i ignore it and continue. "well ive had a small crush on marshall lee since i met him wandering at the edge of my kingdom eating the red out of our apple orchards. I got a little buzzed at the party-" "You were completely wasted man i had to carry around your shirt for half of the night!!" Marshall interjects rudely. I sigh and smile at him blushing a even darker pink if thats even possible. "okay yes i was never one to hold my liquor. Any way! I got drunk and vaguely remember climbing on stage as Marshall was singing and i kissed him...... and he kissed back a lot." Marshall floats over to me and takes my hand in his smiling at cake. "ive never been happier in one thousand years cake." Marshall says sweetly as he looks at me. "Well babies if youre both happy then I guess I'm happy too. Im not a big fan of you marshall, but if you make PG happy then its okay.What do you think Fionna?" "im perfectly fine with it. But marshall you should really lock your bedroom door." Fionna gave us a sly smirk with slightly pink cheeks. I look up to Marshall and giggle. "Im increadibly sorry about that fionna ill make sure to remind him of his manners." I bow to fionna and cake. "Now that you two know i have a certain candy kingdom to inform of all this. Sadly they are completely clueless to how their prince really acts; theyre used to me being proper and mature the leader they need. But a couple nights ago i actually had fun i didnt listen to peppermint maid about my bed time! Ive never dissobied her ever! It felt amazing and i felt free! Maybe Marshall dragging me to the party helped get me out of my comfort zone. Somewhere along the way I realized i needed him forever." Marshall wrapped a protective arm around my waist. "come on gummy your babbling their ears off!" He lifts me off the ground as he floats up holding me his usual bridal style. "Bye girlies! We have a Candy kingdom to get to!" Marshall exclaims as we quickly fly off to the pink sugar sweet kingdom.

Marshall POV.

After a while of flying Gumball began to get restless wiggling around. "we will get there soon enough baby just a couple more minutes." I reassure him kissing him softly on the lips the smell of bubble gum was completely intoxicating driving my senses crazy. Soon enough the sugary kingdom came into view. I land softly on the all too fimiliar balcony only to be greeted by a worried peppermint maid. "Prince GUMBALL!! Where have you been?? We sent several banana gaurds to find you!" She hugged gumball around the neck petting his hair. Wow she really does think of him as a son. Which makes sense considering in my thousand years i never heard of the mister and misses of the candy kingdom. Caught up in my thoughts i guess i never realized peppermint maid had been yelling at me for 'stealing' the prince away. "Miss i didnt steal him; well i kinda did but we had fun." I reach out and grab Gumballs hand. Gumball then straightens regaining his princley posture as the maid stares confused at our tangled hand. "Peppermint Maid I have an announcement to make to the kingdom if you could gather the citizens to the front courtyard, it would be most appreciated." She stood for a moment seeming to take a while to process his request but nods in understanding. "yes prince gumball." She then walks through the bedroom and down the large pink hall way her heels clicking as she goes down the stairs to carry out his wishes. Gumball then looks up at me and pulls at his shirt smiling. " I should probably change into something way more formal." He then scampers off to his closet to pick something princely and pink. I start absent mindly floating around the room until Gummy walks up to me wearing his usual prince attire. He then smiles at me and grabs my hand a detemined tone in his voice as he fixes the crown on his head. "Here goes nothing!" He practically yells as he drags me down the hall and stairs to the court yard. 

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now