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the song video is a little sneak peek for the next chapter :3 enjoy

Marshall Pov.

Soon I came back to consciousness and began to take in the sounds and smells of my surroundings, to not raise suspicion. I really don’t want to be tazed again. A musky smell fills my nose like old candy. Sounds of talking candy people above me; odd. Figuring it was safe I hesitantly open my eyes hoping not to be attacked like a “monster”. Complete darkness fills the room and my eyes quickly adjust taking in every detail. Tall stonewalls fill the space with chains lining the room. Only one exit, a gram cracker door…. I smirk. “couldn’t someone eat their way out?” I say to myself and chuckle a bit. I try to stand but metal chains bind my wrists to the wall. “Awe that’s cute.” I use my vampire strength and break the chains as if they were tissue paper. Letting them clang to the floor. I cringe at the sudden noise and hope to glob no guards heard that. I float into the air ‘laying’ on my back and put my hands behind my head. I messed up bad….. I hurt the only person I’ve cared about in centuries. How will gummy ever forgive me. I run a hand through my raven black hair and let out an exasperated sigh. I don’t deserve him he’s so perfect and Im not. A single black tear rolls down my face, which I wipe away immediately. I remember when we first met; what started it all.

~flash back~

(10 years ago) I didn’t really have friends in the land of Aah at that time. Fiona was only six so of course we weren’t friends yet. Yes I had some ghost friends but you can only talk about so much when you’re best friends are dead.

I had ran away from the Nightosphere the day my mother made me king. I wasn’t ready for that commitment. Taking care of peoples whole lives. A kingdom on your shoulders is too much for me to handle to this day. I flew as fast as I could out of there and to the land of Aah. It was night time luckily or I would have burned for sure. My stomach began to growl. “well time to find some grub.” I smile and dive down to search for yummy red things. After almost an hour of no luck , an apple orchard came into sight. Score! I dive down to the biggest tree in the middle of the orchard and sit down on one of the lower branches. I soon enough ate enough red that I was stuffed. I lay back on the branch and let my legs hand off the sides as I put my hands behind my head. The sun rose not to much later but luckily the trees leaves shaded me easily. I close my eyes and begin to doze off. On the edge of consciousness a strange scent fills my nose. “bubblegum?” I mumble to myself. I sit up and look at the trunk of the tree. Sure enough a boy is sitting at the bottom reading a text book. Hehe nerd. The boy looks about nine years old, he shifts slightly when I notice the prince crown on his pink head of hair. I grin evilly and pick up one of the many grey apples I had stacked up and threw it down at him knocking the crown off his head. The boy jumped dropping the book out of his hands and picked up the apple. His small frame becoming ridgid with anger. “awe did I make you mad?” I say in a low menacing voice as I quickly float infront of his face finally taking in his features. The prince had very bright blue eyes, well styled hair, full lips , and at the time red flushed face as his shoulders trembled in fear, fists at his sides. “ I am prince of the candy kingdom! You should treat me as such!!” The boy exclaims voice squeaking and cracking as he does so. I laugh hard, and bow sarcastically still floating. “ My apologies YOUR MAJESTY! But right now I wouldn’t be saying such big words while youre puberties bitch.” He looks at me obviously annoyed. “Who are you anyway.” I smile exposing my fangs to him as I watch the color fade out of his pink face. “Oh you don’t know? Im Marshall Lee Abadeer; KING of the Nightosphere. So you should treat me as such. I OUTRANK you. Whats your name kid.” The kid looks at me shocked, probably shocked that a guy this sexy can be king. ;)

“ Its Barnaby Gumball.” He says looking at the ground embarrassed. Just as Im about to speak a candy maid runs in our direction. I turn invisible just incase. “My prince! Youre needed in the kingdom!” the boy yells back. “OK peppermint! Be right there!” he quickly picks up his book and walks in her direction. “Bye Bubba.” I yell. He smiles I guess he likes my nickname. “Bye Marshall.”

~End of flashback~

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now