Royal poll.

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Marshall Pov.

As we walked down the light filled hallway to the front court yard i could hear the buzzing of hundreds of voices of the candy citizens. I look over to Gummys stern and serious face, the look of a matured prince in his features. A sense of pride filled me, this well respected prince is my boyfriend. We finally reached the large glass doors leading to the large staircase at the front of the castle; revealing the candy citizens below. Gumball held his head high as he walked into the light; I stayed in the shadows not wanting to interfere so soon. I studied our surroundings; all the candy citizens were now attentive to Gumball doing his usual royal introduction , behind Gumball was the candy council the highest officials other than Gumball himself. Their oppinions and ideas are increadibly important to the good of the kingdom including the actions of the prince. I popped my fingers nervously as Gumball began his speech; his voice calm and serious tword his people.

"My fellow candy citizens, thank you for gathering here today on such short notice. It is much apprieciated. Thank you council for also making an appearance here, I know your work is never done. I know most of you are aware I am at the age to start looking for a partner to help me run the kingdom; a relationship..." A soft buzz of whispers began to fill the crowd. Gumball raised his hand to shush the crowd and continued. "I am delighted to tell you i have found someone that makes me the happiest person in Aah." The crowd began to cheer and clap obviously excited over the princes announcement. Gumball then tuned from the podium and looked for me in the shadows gesturing for my to step out. I adjusted my sun hat and gloves making sure there was no exposed skin; and stepped into the sunlight. The crowd soon became silent as they realized who i was. I blushed deeply nervous on what they would think. "Citizens of the Candy Kingdom, this is Marshall Lee Vampire King of the Nightosphere. I hope you accept him as my boyfriend so I may be happy with him for many years to come." Gumball grabbed my hand squeezing it tightly; thats when I realized his hands were shaking. I guess he is as scared as i am. The head councilman then stood and approached the microphone. "The council has decided that a vote is in order. There will be a poll in the ball room of the castle tommorrow afternoon. You all are dismissed." The candy people began to leave. I cant just let them leave with out knowing my side can I? I quickly floated over to the microphone. "Please wait! I-I have s-s-something to say." I studdered practically shaking. Singing infront of people was so much more different than this. I had to convince them to accept me or it was all over. The candy people stopped in their tracks giving me their full attention. " I realize Im not your first choice for your beloved prince but he's really changed me for the better!" I blushed a little running a shaking hand through my hair. "I've never felt this way about anyone in one thousand years. I know Ive scared you guys a lot but when you live as long as i have after a while you run out of things to live for.. Being with Gumball has given me a reason to live; a reason to smile. I swear when I'm around him sometimes I think my heart is beating again and it feels amazing. So please take this into consideration before you vote tomorrow." I backed away from the podium and look to Gumball tears in his eyes. "Marshall that was beautiful i didnt know you felt that way." He pulled me into the tightest hug I've ever had the smell of bubble gum once again intoxicating my nose. I hugged him back a smile coming to my face and kissed the top of his head. "You wanna go somewhere gummy? Get everything off our minds?" He smiled up at me excitement in his eyes. "Of course where do you want to go?" I stood for a second pondering what to say next. " When was the last time you went sledding?" Gumball looked at me puzzled for a second before answering. "I dont believe I ever had." I smiled a cheeky grin showing both fangs." Then thats where we are going. We can be in the ice kingdom in a little while but you will have to change clothes." "what about the ice queen?" he asked. "Dont worry me and her go way back if anything happens i can take care of her." I puffed up my chest trying to look extra manly.

Gumball giggled and grabbed my hand leading me back down the fimilar hallway and back up the large stair case to his bed room. We entered the large pink room; I floated over to the bed casually hovering over it and picked up one of the dark red candy shaped pillows sucking all of the crimsion from the cloth. Gumball grumbled in protest something about that being his favorite pillow; I ignored it and chuckled. Gumball walked over to the bed sitting down on the corner the bed creaked under his weight breaking the silence in the room. "Will you need any warm clothes to wear Marshie?" He asked in that adorable tone of his. I grinned and shook my head. "Babe Im dead, dead people dont get cold." He nodded and smiled walking over to his closet to change. Moments later he came out of the closet. (hehe) Wearing a neon pink fluffy coat with fur around the hood, a maroon pair of sweat pants and bubble gum pink uggs. "Got enough pink bubble butt?" He blushed looking for a pair of mittens. "Its my favorite color and you know that!" I smiled and floated over to his red tinted face and kissed his lips softly. "It looks amazing on you too baby." He grinned adorably and hugged me tight. "You ready to go babe? You sure you wont get cold?" He nodded and ran to the balcony. "LETS GO MARSHIE!" I chuckled floating over I pick him up bridal style and jump over the edge of the balcony. Ice kingdom here we come.

Red licorice Gumlee (Marshall lee x prince gumball)Where stories live. Discover now