Long live the king

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Marshall POV
I make it to the candy kingdom in no time. I turn invisible as soon as I see the gates; using my new powers I bend the shadows around me as I land in the shadow of the large castle. No one can see me or my large red umbrella. Thousands of people are filing into the large court yard of the palace waiting for the soon to be king. I float above the crowd making sure I get a spot closest to the stage. Oh my glob I'm so excited!! My gumball is going to be king!! I smile like a dork as I twirl my umbrella. I wonder if he's nervous. I look around at the large crowd of people happily waiting for the king. I study the mass of people and quickly notice they're from all the surrounding kingdoms! Fire,breakfast,hotdog,even lumpy space. At my coronation it was just my mother and all the demons of the nightosphere...gumball is so loved. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of blaring trumpets announcing Barnaby's arrival. I turn to the opening palace doors and am at loss for words. I study every new feature of Barnaby. His hair has been cut slightly and styled differently. It's once posh updo was now layered and slightly shaggy layered over itself across his forehead with a slight curl up around his eyes. It looks a lot like my old haircut with a royal flare. His jaw line was more defined but his lips as plush as they were the last time we kissed... My eyes trail down to his shoulders and chest; his shoulders were wider and I could obviously see his gained a lot of muscle through the tight silk shirt. I bite my lip as my fingers slightly twitch dying to rip off the clothing. Peppermint maid begins the official speech of the founding of the kingdom and it's past leaders but I can't focus on anything but gumball. Standing infront of his council facing the crowd. My thoughts are pushed aside as a strong gust of wind blows my way and I smell gumballs addicting scent. My fangs and sadly...nether regions throb in protest and I whimper in protest but try to ignore it. A candy citizen beside me looks in my direction but obviously can't see me due to my powers. I bite my knuckle and try to ignore it all; focusing on gumballs speech. He looked so handsome It took my breath away. I licked one of the studs of my snake bites and ran a hand through my hair. Was it getting hot out here? I bit my lip looking down at the obvious bulge......nope just me. Soon enough gummy butt was done with his speech and the exciting part was next. The head councilman stood and faced the crowd his booming voice practically echoing. "Now is the crowning of the king" cheers full the crowd including a smile from ear to ear from me; even tho he couldn't see it. The councilman turns to gumball "Do you, Barnaby gumball accept your duties to protect and lead this kingdom?" Ouch they said Barnaby. I giggle slightly at gumballs shoulders stiffen at the sound of his name. But he answers in a perfect royal manner. "Yes of course it is my birth right." Gumball then drops to one knee head bowed. The crowd gasps at the sight of the royal kings crown. It is beautiful with polished gold and red rubys on the ends of each point, a pink accent stone around the head band. It looked 100% gummy. The councilman places the crown on his head; in which gummy wears proudly as he stands. He faces the crowd and looks determined and wise. Suddenly the crowd cheers over and over. "LONG LIVE THE KING! LONG LIVE THE KING! LONG LIVE THE KING!" Gummy grins ear to ear with a slight blush on his face. Finally the council man yells to the crowd. "Presenting your leader. KING GUMBALL."

Ok I know I haven't updated in ages and I apologize. I've had writers block but gummys finally king :D so that's a plus! And it seems like Marshall's been missing our pink cutie in more ways than one ;) what's gummy gonna think of Marshall's new powers? What about ice queen! This will all be answered soon enough love you all! Xoxo-pikachu

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