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Gumballs POV.

"Baby grind on me. Relax your mind and take your time with me." Marshy's music box played the song as I frontward grinded on him, taking off his clothes.
"Shit Gummy.." He moaned as I palmed him through his boxers, slowly making their ways down his pale waist. He lightly moaned as I took the band of his undergarments between my teeth, sliding it down his legs, revealing to me his entire naked body. His arms latched around my waist as he picked me up and carried me into the shower. The hot steamy water ricocheting off his perfect back muscles. He takes a finger and cups my chin, lifting my head to look up at him. "My eyes are up here Gummy." He whispered into my ear. "But your dick is down there." I chuckled. Before he could respond, my mouth was already on his, those lavish blood red lips slowly left mine as I kissed around his neck, leaving small, but many, love bites along the way. The adventure continues as my lips explored his chest and nipples, slightly biting them, earning a loud moan from him. My tongue eventually found his abs and V line, leaving saliva all over them, only to be washed away by the downfall water running down his perfect undead body. I followed the trails of water to the point where it dripped off his skin. Soon his member was in my mouth, very much alive. My tongue swirled around him, his length being pushed deeper and deeper into my throat, until my mouth was at the base of him. Shortly after a warm liquid hit my throat after many loud moans escaped his lips. His member grew soft and started to droop. I took it back into my hand and ran my fingers along the underside if his shaft. Lets just say he perked right up. Without warning, he stood me up and turned me over, bending me over. He inserted a finger inside of me, and then another, scissoring my entrance. "If this hurts tell me and I'll stop" he says, and an immediate pain shoots up my spine. "Sex in the air, I don't care i know the smell of it, Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me." His music player sings into the large bathroom, the steam covered mirrors reflecting us back into my eyes. The pain slowly fades and he penetrates me once more, once what was pain is now pleasure.

Marshall's POV

"Sex baby, lets talk about you and me. Lets talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be. Lets talk about sex. Lets talk about sex baby." I sang along to the song as I thrusted in and out of Bubba. He moaned loudly as I exited and entered him again. My thrusts became faster and stronger every time, my full length hitting his prostate. "You're so tight baby." I moaned. I got closer and closer to my second orgasm of the night, until finally I came, only seconds later as I was finishing, Bubba exploded everywhere. "Alright, now that we've had a little fun, lets get you cleaned up." I pull out of him. I take my body wash and squirt it onto his body. "Are you gonna wash me." He asks, being so fucking cute like always. "Of course gum gum." I clean him up loving the small giggles that escape his lips. "All done bubs." I grab a towel drying him off and fluff his hair. I've never seen it unfixed it looks a lot like mine. Hmmm weird. "Marshy I'm tired." Gumball mumbles rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. Damn! Why do you have to be so adorable! "Ok gummy lets go to bed." I pick him up bridal style; both of us still naked, and carry him up to my bedroom. I pull back the blankets and lay him down a slight smile passing his lips." Marshy will you cuddle me?" He mumbles giving me the puppy eyes. "Awe yes gummy of course" I float over to the bed and lay down holding him in my arms. For the first time in forever I fell asleep happy with someone I really love.

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