10: UA

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When Midoriya finally got his letter from UA after a week, he nearly cried. Inko did cry, on the other hand.

He was practically buzzing with nerves; was he accepted or not?! What if they found out he was quirkless his whole life before getting his quirk? What if they reject him? What if the people just didn't like him because of the whole muttering fiasco with that blue-haired guy in Present Mic's speech? What if they don't like him because he destroyed their zero pointer? What if he didn't get enough points after all?!

He had to take a deep breath and shook his head a little to clear the thoughts. Whatever happens, there's always the job of a detective or a policeman to take up. Not a big deal. It's fine.

He decided to go up to his room to open the letter, so now he was sitting at his desk with an envelope clutched in his hand. He felt a sort of comforting, warm buzz in his back, as if his quirk had sensed his anxiousness and was trying to persuade him to open it.

Welp. He better open it now than never know if he got in or not.

With a rip , a disk fell out, onto his desk. A hologram popped out, jolting him a bit.

" --o, I'll do it," he saw Aizawa say to someone off screen- or hologram, whatever. " ... No, I want to."

A voice was heard in the background and Aizawa cut them off, " Yes I do!... I did that because they showed no potential... Well this one does, okay? So--... Alright, fine, you can shut up now."

He seemed to realise it was filming, because he looked at the screen and his eyes widened slightly. " Oh. Hello, Midoriya. I'm a hologram right now, so don't try to speak to me."

Midoriya was about to nod and say, 'Okay' when he realised and had to stop himself from facepalming.

" I'm going to start by congratulating you," his teacher stated, giving Midoriya a spark of hope. " In the written exam, you did extremely well, better than many people I have taught so far." (someone in the background commented something and Aizawa glared slightly, before continuing,) " In the practical exam... You came third with 42 villain points."

Midoriya breathed out a relieved and unbelieving laugh, relaxing into his chair, eyes wide.

A screen came up out of nowhere, showing a sort of leaderboard. " As you can see, however, you were also marked for the amount of people you rescued. You got 31 rescue points. I'm sure you can do the math yourself, but in total, that's 73 points in total."

Midoriya stopped breathing for a second in anticipation.

" Congratulations, Izuku Midoriya. I look forward to seeing you in my class. You've passed."

Midoriya let out a crazed laugh as tears streamed down his face. He just managed to hear Aizawa go on about timings and when his uniform would come in. The raven-haired man ended it off with, " This is your hero academia." Then, quieter, " Well done, problem child."

Before he knew it, Midoriya was walking up to the gates of UA with Koda by his side, clutching his yellow bag and wearing his trademark red boots.

" Ko, you did it! We did it!" he exclaimed as he practically hummed on the spot.

Koda nodded and smiled, equally as excited, just less loud.

" We're gonna become heroes," Midoriya breathed. " Taught by other heroes. In a class full of future heroes! Who will probably have awesome quirks. Oh, I heard Endeavor's son will be here. I wonder what his quirk is... I probably shoulda researched but I forgot to. It's probably a fire quirk. Or an ice one, I vaguely remember his mother having an ice quirk. Or maybe a mix of both, somehow. Wow, that would be powerful. I wonder if he'll let me analyse his quirk...? Ooh, or maybe he'd let me... "

Koda knew about Midoriya's mumbling storms and obsession with quirks. He thought it was cool, most of the time, as he could pick apart anyone's fighting style, their strong points and weak points, and etcetera in under a minute. It was extremely admirable.

He let his bestfriend ramble on until they reached the building, where they went on a hunt to find class 1-A. On the way, they bumped into a brown-haired girl.

" Oh, hey, aren't you Uraraka?" Midoriya said, putting his hand on the back of his head shyly.

The girl turned around, her short hair bouncing, and grinned when she realised who it was. " Oh, Midoriya! You got in, too! What class are you in?"

Midoriya smiled sheepishly, " 1-1-A. You?"

She beamed, " 1-A, too! Hey, who's your friend?"

Midoriya smiled encouragingly at Koda. He muttered, " I'm Koji Koda. Nice to meet you..."

Uraraka smiled, " Quiet one, eh? That's cool, wanna be friends? Let's go to class together!"

The rest of the way, Uraraka chatted their ears off, not that anyone minded. He smiled to himself. His life was getting so much better!

Too bad that nothing good happens after happiness.

Midoriya froze at the door, emerald eyes meeting crimson.

Now, Midoriya wasn't one who swore much. Inko would make a fuss out of it if he ever did it in front of her, and she taught him not to from a young age. However--

" Shit," he squeaked.

That didn't mean he wasn't physically incapable.

The boy who introduced himself as Iida's words fell on deaf ears as predator regarded prey in a tense silence.

It was fine, he could just avoid Bakugo, or run from him at a moments notice, it's fine, he's fine, this is a hero school he wouldn't tryanythingrightthisisperfectlyfineandI--... Actually, no. He had a quirk now. He could stand up to his childhood friend. No more cowering, powerless Deku.

With a polite excuse, Midoriya sidestepped Iida and walked toward Ka- no, Bakugo.

" Deku ," the blonde snarled.

" Bakugo," Midoriya replied calmly, making the explosive's eyes widen slightly and expression falter. " Please take your feet off the desk. It doesn't really look good in a school made for heroes ."

Bakugo recovered quickly, " The fuck did you just call me--"

Midoriya's expression was blank. " I called you Bakugo. That's your name, isn't it? Katsuki Bakugo."

When the greenet fixed him with an icy, challenging gaze, he couldn't open his mouth or form any words; he was uncharacteristically speechless. This... This wasn't the Deku he knew. He wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

Luckily, no other words could be exchanged, as Uraraka yelped and Midoriya heard a familiar voice.

" Go somewhere else if you want to make friends," Aizawa droned from his spot on the floor.

And just like that, Midoriya became his bubbly self again and his first day at UA continued.

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