41: Izuku Midoriya versus Mina Ashido

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He power-walked away before the 'hero' noticed him and towards the stadium, just in time as Present Mic introduced him.

" He seems confident now, different from his last match! Did the win fuel his determination? It's Izuku Midoriya from the hero course, versus! Pink skin, pink hair? Lookin' cool! It's Mina Ashido, also from the hero course!"
fsjbidkfvdbsfcd guys this took so long and i am so sorry about that but i actually researched?? acid n that stuff?? like damn. (dont think because i did that i did my science hw tho that shits still not done-)

also also totally unrelated but im just saying (and this has nothing to do with the story but like) mina would make a pretty darn terrifying villain. Like shit man, acid? woah

----Chapter 41: Izuku Midoriya versus Mina Ashido


Midoriya crouched, wings unfurling from his back and spitting green embers. Ashido stepped back a bit, before grinning and crouching too. Midoriya just hoped his face looked more badass than a whatever 'please have mercy on me I don't want to die today' expression would look like.

" Ready?!"

He exhaled a puff of air. He could do this. All he needed to do was go as fast as he could towards Ashido and fly her out of bounds, like he did Ojiro. And no, he was not going to think about what to do if that fails.

Yet, anyway.

" Start!"

With a powerful beat he was zipping through the air, arms outstretched in front of him. So close...!

His hand grazed Ashido's top as she dodged, skating a few meters away on her acid. Not expecting it, he lost balance and fell to the floor, rolling and springing back up as quickly as possible.

She grinned as she started running towards him, hands positioned on either side of her like Bakugo would do for his explosions. " You're gonna have to be faster than that to get me, Midoriya!"

His mind registered the glistening liquid gathering in her palms just as she flicked her hands towards him. Acid . It sprayed over his forearms and stomach as he tried to block his face and all he could think was that it burnt .

Unable to assess his injury as Mina started preparing more acid, his wings flared out behind him and he shot a few meters into the air. He grit his teeth as he turned his arms over. They were blistered with raw blotches and stung like hell.

Yeah, he definitely wasn't acid-proof.


Mina frowned as she looked up at Midoriya. She'd thought that her acid would affect him, thanks to the fact that acid corrodes, not burns (which she will not go into detail about right now), so she was glad that she was correct. However, it wouldn't do much if Midoriya was up in the air all the time, like he was now.

Either way, he'd have to come into close contact with her eventually to either get her out of bounds or incapacitate her. And although she hated the thought of injuring one of her friends, she definitely won't give up or go easy on him, so burns couldn't be avoided here unless he gave up.

" Come on, Midoriya! Let's get this fight over with!" she called up to him, hands glistening with acid. With one swift move, she flicked a good portion of it towards him, drops obviously hitting him - if the searing on his blue clothes had anything to say about it.

She heard him grunt and beat his wings to push him into another direction. Mina huffed in return and continued to throw acid at him. She couldn't let him have any time to think. He suddenly shot into the air, too high for her to reach. Welp, there goes that plan. She'd have to be very clever about this. She glanced down at her shoes, mind racing and an idea sparking.

Mina, before the Sports Festival had taken place, had asked for acid-proof shoes to help with her quirk and let her skate around - which the teachers had accepted. But that meant that Midoriya's shoes weren't resistant to her acid. And he couldn't stay up there forever because it'd either be a draw or he'd tire himself out. So she quickly set to work, skating from the middle outwards on her acid and covering it all with the substance. With this, Midoriya wouldn't be able to land without burning his feet and shoes terribly, since the acid she'd created was sulfuric acid which corroded quickly.

He'd have to give up and land out of bounds.

Mina grinned once she was finished, although something itched at her brain when he saw his flaming wings. " Midoriya!" she called, pushing away the feeling. " I've coated the ground in sulfuric acid, which is highly dangerous and corrodes skin and fabric quickly, so if I were you, I wouldn't land here!"

She heard Midoriya hiss through his teeth in frustration and for a second she thought that Midoriya would actually give up.

But, well, it's Midoriya, after all.

She watched as, with mild difficulty since he was flying midair, he took off his jacket and tore it in two, tying them around his feet. Not a second later, he was rocketing towards the ground, in the corner of the arena but a bit far off of the white line. The itching in her brain clicked just as he was a few seconds away from the floor, feet first yet wing tips angled down.

Sulfuric acid was fucking flammable.

She had just enough time to turn and skid on her acid, lunging over the white line and rolling away as flames from Midoriya's wings licked the acid and immediately spread everywhere, causing a large explosion.


Midoriya only heard the crowd screaming wildly when he opened his eyes, back in the sky again. He wasn't sure when he'd shut them - maybe when he'd landed? Below him, it was like a pool of fire, almost no ground to be seen within it. His heart was still pounding from the act he'd just done; landing and brushing the tips on his wings on the floor for only a few seconds so that the ground would catch fire before shooting into the air so fast he was almost scared he'd get whiplash.

He looked for Mina; since she was near the edge of the arena, but not close enough for him to be able to push her out, she should've been able to get out alright. He managed to sport her pink hair as she stood up and dusted herself off a few meters away from the fire. She grinned and gave a thumbs up to him when she spotted him.

That must mean she's not hurt, and hopefully she's not mad at him? Hopefully. But, at least she was okay!

He examined his feet; the acid had mostly melted through the fabric he'd tied around them in hopes of protecting his feet - just a little, though that kinda backfired. The acid had reached the soles of his blackened shoes - not his actual feet though, so he wasn't very injured apart from a few spots from earlier-

Oh wait, God, no! No, no, no, his SHOES. His red boots were ruined ! They were his favourite, why did that have to happen?! Now he'd have to walk around for the rest of the day in other shoes and probably for a while before he gets new ones. Ew .

He sighed and pouted. Oh well. He should probably land by now, huh?

Hopefully the teachers wouldn't be too angry with him for causing such an explosion...



lmao these are getting weird but im determined to give you all a different greeting every chapter so

anywho, shoutout to that one person who told me that acid /corrodes/ skin not burns, so that would mean that although izuku's fireproof, he wont be acid-proof, bc then i would be dead with this chapter! so thanks Nik! idk how to tag people on ao3 so i hope thats ok ^^'

how was everyone's day? is everyone ok today? :D

*Midoriya and Bakugou skipping stones on a lake*
Midoriya: It's such a beautiful evening
Bakugou whispering: Take that you fucking lake

the fucking lake was looking at him weird ok.
('... but kacchan the lake can't loo-' 'shut the fuck up deku or you'll be next')

anyway i hope you have a wonderful day, bye byeeeee!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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