40: Wouldn't It Be Crazy If Shinso's Foreshadowing Started To Come True

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They smiled, and after a few seconds, Kouda said, " Well... W-Who's going next, again?"

" I think it's Todoroki and Sero, then Uraraka versus Kacchan," Midoriya replied. " And then that's the end of round one."

He pushed off the railings and stretched a bit. Midoriya grinned with a small sigh. " God, Ko. We've gotten into the second round of the finals! All three of us."

the 40th (official) chapter!! damn have i written alot - over 188 pages and 61,000 words XD

... It's so annoying I thought of Among Us when i was deciding the title and now i have the theme tune stuck in my head



Chapter 40: Wouldn't It Be Crazy If Shinso's Foreshadowing Started To Come True


The crowd's roars from the stadium were muffled by the walls leading outside, too far away to be as loud as they really were. The figure was glad; why so much noise? They were sure if they stayed there a minute longer they'd bust their eardrums...

They walked past the heroes on guard outside and no one stopped them.

It was when they were completely out of school grounds that they slipped the burner phone out of their pocket and ducked into an alleyway - a specific one, great for a meetup point. The streets were mostly empty, thanks to the Sports Festival, but it couldn't hurt to be cautious.

They hesitated, staring at the black screen of their phone. They felt so... dirty. So fake. So- So guilty . The kids in UA didn't deserve this. They didn't deserve villains attacking them so often, and they were just innocent kids, the heroes were just...

... actually, why were they thinking like this? No hero helped them . No hero cared. And innocent kids weren't exactly innocent - not to them, at least, when they'd seen people they trust slowly start to bully and torment them to the point where they-

The phone rang three times, echoing in the dirty alley walls that were littered with graffiti, before someone picked up.

" I'm ready, at the meetup point."

Purple mist appeared in front of them and they walked through, a worn bar meeting them.

Y'know what?

Fuck the heroes, the kids, the civilians - hell, fuck the whole of society! If they didn't want them, then they didn't want them. It wasn't their fault that they just happened to stumble across villains one day and... accepted... an offer...

That offer changed their life.

And boy, did they love it.

They smirked as they strolled further in, completely comfortable with the powerful villains around them, having been with them for a while now, and perching on one of the bar stools with a pleased sigh.

" Y'know, I'm starting to like the role of a traitor."


" So, I have an idea," Midoriya said slowly and hesitantly, leaning back on his chair.

" Is it a good idea?" Shinso asked, lifting an eyebrow.

" Whoever said it had to be a good one?" Midoriya muttered with a shaky smile, gaze fixed on the table in front of him and fingers fiddling with each other so much, Shinso was almost afraid he'd knot them together. " It's an idea. You got something?"

Shinso shrugged. " Let's hear it, then."

" Okay, so I don't know if this will even work or anything - Shinso I'm not finished give me a little credit and stop giving me that look - but hypothetically ," he said, " Ashido's acid won't burn me 'cause I'm... more or less fireproof."

Shinso was quiet for a second. " Yeah, no, I don't see how that's an idea. How is that supposed to make you win the fight?"

Midoriya spluttered in defence but didn't say anything else. Kouda smiled and chuckled quietly. " W-Well, you're onto something, right? I-If she can't burn you, then maybe after that all y-you need to do is do w-what you did with O-Ojiro."

Midoriya hummed. " Yeah, I was thinking that too, but what if I'm wrong about the fireproof? I'm not completely fireproof, I just have a higher heat tolerance. Maybe her acid can go stronger than that."

" If you're wrong, just improvise," Shinso suggested. " Like Ko did. From what I saw in her match against Aoyama, she's really good at dodging. It's sort of like a dance, how she does it. And she uses her acid to skate around quickly, so keep that in mind."

" Yeah," Midoriya nodded, frowning in thought. " So, my best bet is to stay in the air. Acid won't do much to me if it'll just be pulled down by gravity and it'll be harder to reach me. But then my flames won't do much either..."

" I-I think you should stick with the fireproof idea," Kouda said. " And if i-it goes sideways, well, i-improvise, I-I guess? But k-keep in mind the things we just talked a-about."

Midoriya nodded as he stood up, hearing Present Mic commentating again. " Thanks guys. Wish me luck!"

He hurried down the hallways. He couldn't be late, otherwise that would just be embarrassing. He was imagining it now - Present Mic just stalling as Ashido stood awkwardly, when he runs up and Present Mic says, 'Super late and definitely not punctual, it's Izuku Midoriya from the hero course!' Oh, and the lecture he'd no doubt get from Iida about how it was important to be punctual and on time was also definitely encouraging him on.

His eye suddenly caught a wisp of flames and for a second he'd wondered if Todoroki had finally used his fire side, before a hulking figure followed it. A scowl that seemed permanently etched on his face, and flames for a mustache that looked stupid.


Hot rage flowed through Midoriya as he remembered the conversation he'd had with Todoroki. This man was an abuser - a flaming pile of shit (excuse his foul language, of course, he was lucky his mother couldn't hear his thoughts). And he really, really did not want to talk to something like that.

He power-walked away before the 'hero' noticed him and towards the stadium, just in time as Present Mic introduced him.

" He seems confident now, different from his last match! Did the win fuel his determination? It's Izuku Midoriya from the hero course, versus! Pink skin, pink hair? Lookin' cool! It's Mina Ashido, also from the hero course!"


bfehsfbdhsds this is so shit im so sorry-

lmfao that sounds like some kind of kid's assembly wanna try it 👀
good mooooorning everyoooone! :)))))))

(and then the kids drag on like some kind of fucking zombie horde lmao-)

anywho i am SO sorry this is late. i promise i didnt plan on it :/ but guess what guys i have an idea of where this story is gonna go now :D
(and no, i did not have that before :') )

oooh so now we have a traitor, perhaps? hmm, who do you think it could be? Of course, I won't actually say lol but anyway-

I hope you enjoyed this terrible chapter! ehe again i apologise-

Tokoyami, at the zoo: Shouji, may I have some of your chips?
Shouji: Sorry, I don't think that's a good idea.
Shouji: *points at sign*
Sign: Please Do Not Feed The Animals.

i just love their friendship sorry-

okay have a great day, bye byeeee <3

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