21: The USJ (Final)

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Bakugo was fucking fuming.

Wait, no, fuming wasn't the right word. It was more like if all the fire, demons and hate in hell were combined into an emotion and combusted in his chest like a volcano, urging him to yell and curse.

To who?

The bastard that was choking Deku that exact moment, as time seemed to freeze.

Red eyes, black hair and freckles was an ultimate no no in his life. Sure, Deku and Bakugo didn't exactly have the best relationship, but ever since the age of five, when he started showing no signs of having a quirk except for his strange fire resistance, and he had yet to do an x-ray that determined his future years...

" Ka-Kacchan!" Deku blubbered at playtime.

" What, Izu? Wha- Wait, why are you crying?!" Bakugo exclaimed, sitting beside him on the swings and snacks forgotten.

" Da-da-ad-lef-lef-left-t-ye-ye-yes-yesterd-d-day-a-an-and--"

" I don't know what you're saying, stupid!" Bakugo frowned, his chubby baby cheeks scrunching. " Did someone hurt you? I'll kill 'dem!"

Deku shook his head. His eyes were crying waterfalls and he sniffed, wiping his nose. " N-no- we-well s-s-sort o-of..."

The blonde huffed. " ... M'kay, jus' calm down and then tell me who I gotta kill. I can't understand you."

Deku hummed and wiped his tears, failing miserably at quieting the waterfall.

Bakugo looked at his apple slices. Looked at Deku. Looked at his apple slices. Looked at Deku.

" Here," he growled, looking away as he pushed a slice into the younger one's chest. Deku smiled and nibbled on it, calming himself down effectively.

" M-My dad," Deku started quietly after his sobs had finally quietened. " H-He left ye-yesterday... 'Cause if, 'cause I haven't, 'cause I don't have a quirk yet, a-and he said he doesn't wa-want a quirkless ki-kid."

" But you're not quirkless. The doctor didn't say you were, right?"

" Ye-yeah, he said I'm n-not, but he s-said there's a ch-chance that- that I a-am..."

" Hmmph."

" Yeah."

Bakugo was silent for a moment. " So... Do you know where he went?"

Deku shook his head.

" Ugh, I can't kill him now then," Bakugo grumbled, trying to get at least a smile from his best friend, and Deku giggled.

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