Are you Ready?

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Elsa's POV:
~Ring ring ring ring ring~
I hit the snooze button on my alarm. Why did I set my alarm again? I rolled over and closed my eyes again not caring that I should be awake for some reason. Just then my door burst open. "ELSA!!! ELSA ELSA ELSA ELSA ELSA ELSA ELSA ELSA" screamed a familiar voice. I covered my ears. "What?!?" I yelled back. "ITS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, WAKE UP!" Cried the voice.

I jolted awake and sat up in bed. On the edge of my bed was none other than my younger sister, Anna. The first day of high school. Tenth grade. One of my maids came hurrying upstairs. "Ma'am, I have picked out your outfit for the day" smiled my maid. "Thank you... And please, just call me Elsa" I replied politely.

My maid bowed and walked out of my room. Anna had started jumping on my bed and I giggled. "Anna I'm awake now" I chuckled. "Oh okay!" She said and stopped jumping. "I'll leave you to get ready... I made breakfast if you were hungry" she smiled at me. "What was for breakfast?" I asked. "Pancakes with chocolate syrup, eggs, hash browns, and bacon" she said excitedly. "And I put a pool of melted chocolate on each of ours" she squealed. We both laughed.

Once Anna had left my room I walked Into my personal built in bathroom. My outfit was a long dress that went just under my knees. The dress had zig-zag designs on it of a dark shade of blue and a light shade of blue. Also, there were white and light blue snowflakes on my dress. I smiled. Everybody knows my favorite season is winter. So my maids always picked out winter themed clothes every Monday and Friday. I loved them for it.

After I had gotten on my clothes I did some light makeup. I opened up my drawer that was full of makeup and took out my light colored eye shadow. After I applied my eye shadow, I put it back into my make up drawer and instead took out my black eyeliner and applied it on the top of my eyes. For some reason I never did it on the bottom of my eyes.

"Elsa! Hurry up! You're taking forever!" Groaned Anna. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, okay, okay! I'll be down there in a minute." Quickly, I put on the rest of my make-up and went downstairs to join Anna for breakfast. My mom, as usual, was gone. My dad... Well I guess here's where I tell you about my family.

My dad was a very great father. He was rich. The second richest man alive, actually. One day my father left to go to work and he died in a car crash. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I thought about this. Quickly, I wiped it away before Anna saw it.

My father left us billions of dollars. Too much to count. So me and my mom and Anna lived in a four story mansion with really high walls that echoed when you walked. Unfortunately, our house was so expensive that the money out father left over wouldn't be enough for a lifetime. We haven't used up all the money yet but since my mom is constantly worried about it, she works a full time job as an actor.

We barely ever see her and have to take care of ourselves. Well, partly. My mom wouldn't have hired maids for us if she wasn't gone all the time. Personally, though, I like having the maids around. Even though they sometimes can get too much in the way of things.

My mom also met her boyfriend just about a year ago. She's moved on since dad... And she's still trying to find love. Me and Anna have never moved on though. In fact, we hate our mom's boyfriend... But our mom's love for him... Well, it'll break her heart if she finds out we don't like him. Then she'll be forced to break up with him.

Suddenly, Anna's voiced disrupted my thoughts. "Elsa, are you excited for the first day of school?" She asked while stuffing a pancake in her mouth. I nodded. "Me too" she replied in agreement, her mouth full of food. I giggled. "Anna, slow down with the food! You're gonna get a stomach ache!" I laughed.

Once me and Anna were done eating we went into our huge garage that had room for both of our cars and also stuff we stored in the garage. We kept all of dad's things in the garage. We had never thrown away any of his things.

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