She's Awake

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Elsa's POV:
That was when I crashed. Everything crashed. The world went black. I wanted to scream and cry and hug Jack until everything was over. But I couldn't.

That phone call was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. It was from the hospital. I felt myself dropping my phone and screaming and crying. Two hands wrapped around my body and carried me. I felt the steady gallop of a horse. Where am I? I wondered. I didn't care though. All I cared about was my mom.

"You're gonna be ok" whispered a voice. A familiar voice. I cried and snuggled close to the person. Just wanting to feel warmth. I wanted to scream. But I couldn't. Why did this happen to me? My mom... Why her?

Jack's POV:
I ran Moon towards Elsa's house. Elsa blacked out. She fell off the horse and dropped her phone. Luckily, I managed to grab her and her phone and run her towards her house.

Elsa was crying uncontrollably. She snuggled close to me and cried making my shirt wet from the tears. But I didn't care. By now it was pitch black outside and everything was dark. I couldn't see a thing.

"Come on, Moon" I whispered in Moon's ear. Moon ran as fast as he ever did. He was a smart horse and he knew when it was an emergency. He was everything we were counting on now.

When we finally made it to Elsa's house I jumped off of Moon and ran to the gait. It was locked. There was a device next to it that had a button. It was like a Walky-Talky. Except for houses. I pushed the button on the device.

"Please open the gait, Anna!" I pleaded. "Why should I let you in?" She asked stubbornly. "BECAUSE YOUR SISTER AND MOTHER ARE IN TROUBLE!" I yelled. The gait opened and Anna ran out her front door.

"What happened to her?! What did you do to my sister?!" Exclaimed Anna. "She fainted!" I explained. "Bull shit!" She yelled and took Elsa in her hands and carried her to the front door.

"Anna, wait!" I yelled but Anna had already slammed the gait on my face. I fell to the floor and pulled my knees up to my face. "Please be okay, Elsa... Please...." I pleaded.

Anna's POV:
That Jack Frost! He's so full of shit! What a stupid excuse! Elsa fainted! Yeah right! He hurt her... I knew it... "Maids!" I called. Four maids came running towards me.

"Oh dear... Elsa..." Said one of the maids looking at Elsa in my hands. It had started to pour outside and lightning and thunder was everywhere. I ran to the end of the clearing and took Elsa into the living room with the maids following close behind.

"You" I pointed to one of the maids "go get the softest blanket you can find" I said. The maid nodded and ran off. I pointed to another maid. "Go outside" I handed her an umbrella, "and check on the horses in the barn. And take a blanket and jacket with you, I don't want you getting cold" I said. "Make sure the horses are in their stables with their blankets!" I said.

The maid nodded and ran off. I pointed to the third maid. "Please go and make sure that the dogs and kittens are all safe. Remember that there are six total pets! Gather them all up and put them in my room on the huge pet bed with a blanket!" I said. The maid ran off.

I looked at the last maid. "Go make some soup for Elsa please. When she wakes up she'll need it" I said. The maid ran off. By now the other maid had come back with a warm blanket.

I set Elsa down on the sofa and took the blanket from the maid and put it on Elsa. "Thank you" I thanked the maid. The maid bowed. "Anything else I could do for you ma'am?" She asked. "Make sure all of the maids are warm with blankets and make sure that they are all here. There's 40 maids" I reminded her. The maid ran off.

All of the maids had fulfilled their jobs and were now cuddle up on the couch around Elsa and I watching tv. I knew the maids spent their lives caring for us so I usually let them do their own thing as a thank you for helping us.

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