Truth or Dare

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Elsa's POV:

What me and Jack didn't notice was that our friends saw the whole thing. I saw Anna's cherry brown hair and pulled away from Jack to look at her.

There was Hiccup, Kristoff, Eugene, Rapunzel, and Merida behind her. Oh gosh. Anna broke into a loud squeal. "JELSA'S BACK ON!" She screamed.

Me and Jack exchanged glances and we both blushed. I set my eyes downcast while blushing uncontrollably. I covered my face with my hands so they wouldn't see that I was blushing.

Then the bell rang. Please tell me it wasn't the second bell otherwise that means we're totally late for class!

Anna stopped squealing. "Damn you school! You ruined the moment!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Please tell me that that wasn't the second bell" I said. Kristoff nodded. "It was" said Hiccup.

"Sh-" but I stopped short in my sentence because a teacher was walking by and they don't exactly approve of cussing. "Shirt. Was shirt am I going to wear tomorrow?" I said covering up my cuss word.

The teacher gave us an evil eye and walked over to us. "You guys should be in class!" She said. She handed all of us blue detention slips.

I stared at the slip in my hand. Was she serious? Jack and the others seemed to think it was ridiculous too. We weren't even that late.

"Excuse me" I said in my most sweetest sounding voice I could do. "Ah yes Ms Arens" she said. Then she glanced at Jack. "Or soon to be Mrs Frost" she said looking back at me. How much do teachers know?!

I raised a brow. "Ok... Well anyways, how late are we exactly?" I asked. She stared at me for a moment. "30-60 minutes late" she said. My eyes widened. Then the teacher left.

"Guys we have to go!" I said and grabbed Jack's hand. I dragged him to the school doors with everyone else following behind us.

*In class*
Jack's POV:

Long story short, we made it to class except we all missed our first class. Which was great. My first class had Kristoff in my class. My second class had Elsa.

I wanted to hang out with Kristoff and explain everything but we usually did that at lunch. So I'll let him spend time with Anna I guess since she's in his class. They can talk about me and Elsa together.

Me and Elsa walked together to art which was our class together. We had another class together too. It was the third to last class I had.

We were just talking about random stuff when McKenna came up and laughed at Elsa. Mckenna's followers snickered and me and Elsa looked at them curiously.

Then we glanced at each other and rolled our eyes. Probably just another stupid prank McKenna was pulling.

When we got to class I walked through the door with Elsa and everyone looked our way. A few people whispered. I glared at them and they looked away.

What was going on? Whatever it was, it was NOT going to take up time that I wanted to spend with Elsa. Elsa looked nervous though.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to two chairs that were empty. Then the teacher came in and class started. Thankfully, everyone else was distracted from whatever was going on.

"Good morning everybody!" Said the teacher. Even if I knew a teachers name I usually just call them teacher. It's easier.

There were no replies back to the teacher. The teacher stayed silent as if waiting for someone to say good morning back but no one did. "Okay..." She said awkwardly.

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