Outfit of the Day

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Elsa's POV:
*The next morning*
I waking up and I finally opened my eyes. Above me was a man with a knife as sharp and huge as could be. I screamed and jumped out of bed.

Then I actually woke up. My heart was pounding. It was just a dream. I sighed and pulled the covers off of myself. That's when my sister came through the door.

The lights in my room were off and Anna turned them on practically blinding me in the process. I pulled the blankets over my head and groaned.

"Come on sleepy head! It's time for school" said Anna as she sat on my feet. When I didn't wake up Anna said, "fine have it your way".

That's when Anna got up, screamed as loud as she could and started jumping on my bed. "ELSA ELSA ELSA ELSA ELSA ELSA ELSAAAAAAAA GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUTTHOLE!!!!" She screamed.

I chuckled and got up. I was in a generally good mood for the first 15 seconds I was up. Until I remembered Jack. Thankfully today was Friday. I won't have to deal with having to see him for another 5 days.

I got up and out of bed. "Okay Anna I'll be ready in a minute so if you'd please excuse yourself" I said. Anna nodded and walked out of my room. I closed the door behind her and walked to my dresser.

When I opened the drawers I saw a cute pair of shorts so I took those out and went to my closet. My closet was filled with shirts and I looked through the shirts quickly. Finally I found something I liked.

It was a loose white crop top that I loved. So I pulled that out and frowned when I realized it didn't match the shorts I picked out. So I went back over to my drawer and pulled it open. I put back the shorts and took out a pinkish reddish skirt.

They matched perfectly. I knew my outfit needed something more though.... I went back over to my closet and flipped through the shirts and jackets. Finally I found a jacket to go with it. I paired all of this with white shoes and a black backpack along with a few random bracelets (A/N: See chapter picture).

After I was dressed, I went to my bathroom and opened my makeup drawer. I put on a little bit of eye shadow and some mascara. Then I put on eyeliner and lip gloss. My makeup was fairly simple today.

I closed my makeup drawer and grabbed my curler which was sitting on the bathroom counter. I curled my platinum blonde hair and bobby pinned it so my hair stayed on one side. Then I sprayed some perfume on myself and grabbed my backpack.

My backpack had two small pouches on the front and of course the big part where I actually put everything in.

The small pouch on the left had lipgloss, breath-spray, and a miniature deodorant thing. It also had hand sanitizer. In the right pouch it had my iPhone 6+ in it along with headphones. My beats didn't exactly fit so I just had a regular set of headphones for school.

It also had my car keys in it and a little tiny case for bobby pins in case I needed them. In the big pouch was the regular stuff I needed for school. It had my pencil pouch, folders, binders, notebooks, agenda, books, you know, the regular stuff.

After I had gotten ready I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs and through the hallway towards the kitchen. Anna was in there eating a healthy breakfast. Chocolate...

Instead of eating chocolate I pulled out our blender and made a smoothie. It had 6 strawberries, 1 kiwi, 1 banana, 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt, and 3/4 cup of pineapple and orange juice blend. It was so good.

By the time I was done with my smoothie, it was 7:30 and I usually got to school at 7:45 to hang out with my friends.

"Anna I think I'm gonna walk to school today" I said as Anna picked up her keys to her car and walked out of the kitchen towards the garage doors. "Okay" she said. "See you at school" I said and we hugged each other.

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