Disaster Strikes

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Jack's POV:

My phone started to ring and me and Elsa pulled away awkwardly. I put my phone on silent and sighed.

Elsa awkwardly pushed her hair out of her face and behind her ear and looked down. "Thanks for walking me home" she said all of a sudden.

I hadn't realized that we were standing outside the gate of Elsa's mansion. I nodded. "Any time" I said.

Elsa was about to hug me but she hesitated. I rolled my eyes at her and pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back and I smiled.

I put both of my hands to her cheeks. "Bye, Snowflake" I smiled.

Elsa's POV:

Jack kissed my forehead and I could feel my cheeks getting hot and I blushed.

"Bye" I waved goodbye and opened the gate to my house as Jack started to walk down the sidewalk.

I walked on the path that led to the huge doors of my mansion. I opened the doors and walked inside.

"Why didn't you just kiss him faster?!" Groaned Anna as I walked in and saw her staring out the side window. I rolled my eyes. "Were you stalking us?" I asked. "Hehe... Umm... No...." Anna lied.

She was definitely stalking us. "Anna, please don't start making up-". Too late. "Hmm... What do you think? Jackelsa? No... It's too long. Jasa? Nope. Sounds dumb... Elack? Nope definitely not" said Anna. I groaned, got a chocolate bar from the kitchen, and walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.

I heard Anna from the door. "IVE GOT IT! JELSA!" She cried. I rolled my eyes and smirked as I turned on the tv. When I looked to the right, Anna was close. "Do you like it?" She asked.

I screamed, threw my chocolate Into the air and jumped out of my seat. "Or you could just GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" I yelled as I picked up my chocolate bar. Thankfully it was still in the wrapper.

"Sorry" she giggled. I glared at her and plopped myself back on the couch. Anna took my chocolate bar, opened it and took a huge bite out of it. I sighed and took my chocolate bar back.

"You know" she said her face full of chocolate. She swallowed. "There's a dance coming up. It's winter themed" she finished.

"And who are YOU planning to go with?" I asked. "Isn't it obvious? Only the cutest guy in the school" she looked behind me dreamily as if he was actually there. I took a drink of water and sighed. "Kristoff" she said dreamily.

I spit out my water all over the floor. "What?!" I shrieked. "You're going with the reindeer dude?" I asked. "Well, no. Not unless he asks me" she said.

"It's boys ask girls?" I asked. "No. The girl could ask the guy but it would be silly. He'd think I was weird" she said. "You ARE weird" I said.

Anna glared at me. I put down my water on the coffee table. "When is the dance anyway?" I asked her. "September first" she answered.

Today was the fourth of august. "Anna it's gonna take more then a month to get Kristoff to fall in love with you" I said. "Me and Kristoff are already friends and it only took you four days to get Jack into you" she smirked.

"Jack does NOT like me. I don't like him either... Well I like him just not in THAT way and I'm not dating until I get my hands on my diploma papers" I said. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Thats a long time from now and you almost kissed Jack" she said.

I rolled my eyes. "We didn't almost kiss" I said denying it. She smirked. "Pfft. You wish" she said. "I'll be in my room" I said. "Ok! Have fun thinking about Jack!" She said. I rolled my eyes.

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