Unexpected Phone Call

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Elsa's POV:
I brushed Goldie down with a horse brush then closed her stall and went to Journey's stall.

"Elsa! You ready?" Asked Anna running up to me. "Yeah. I just have to get Journey's saddle on and her reins on too. I'll get the ropes for the horses too" I replied. "You're taking Journey again? Don't you think you should take Goldie? She hasn't been ridden in awhile" Anna did have a point.

"Fine, I'll take Goldie out" I replied. Anna nodded then went to go get Spirit out of his stall. Then I understood why Anna wanted me to take Goldie. I ran to a hook that was nailed into the barn wall with the horses' ropes on it.

I took the ropes off and went to Goldie's stall again. All the horses had brown saddles and their saddles hung on the side of their stalls. I grabbed Goldie's saddle and walked into her stall. She neighed and nuzzled me. I put her saddle on her and fastened the straps under her belly then continued to put on her reins. When I was finally done I tied the ropes around the reins of Goldie and led her to Anna who was waiting outside the barn with Spirit.

Spirit and Goldie were best friends. Well, more than best friends. Me and Anna were trying to get the two closer together and maybe even mate. The reason we wouldn't just make them mate is because we wanted the horses to actually love each other. Not be forced to be together like some people did.

"Ready?" Asked Anna. I nodded and took off the rope fastened to Goldie's reins and put the reins in my riding bag. My "riding bag" was a brown satchel that went on one shoulder, over my head, and under my arm. Kind of like Eugene's satchel. Except mine was different.

It held apples and carrots for the horses in case they got hungry and also some chocolate bars for me and Anna. It also held the horses' ropes because we only used it to guide the horses out of the barn and to tie them to a tree if we had to stop somewhere.

I put my foot in the stirrup and jumped up and swung my foot over the other side and sat in Goldie's saddle. Anna did the same. Anna and I rode the horses slowly towards the river. The horses, as me and Anna noticed, were riding very close together and they were touching sides. Me and Anna smiled looking at them.

"So which lake are we planning to go to? It's already 4:55.... We better hurry and get there if we are gonna watch the sunset together" I told Anna. "We should go to the closest one" she replied and pointed towards a path that led towards a lake about a mile away.

"Come on let's go! Gallop!" I told Goldie. Me and Anna trained all of the horses the words that we used. Only the ones they needed to listen to though. They all knew gallop, faster, fast, walk, slow, slower, and trot. They listened pretty well too.

Goldie started to run and so did Spirit who was right beside Goldie and I. We led the horses down the path and towards the lake. When we got to the end of the lake me and Anna both told the horses to slow down.

Me and Anna sat down and tied the horses to the tree which we always tied them to. It had long leaves that stretched to the floor. We loved it. And so did the horses. Me and Anna were casually talking when she brought up school.

"Did you make any friends besides me, Punzie, and Merida?" Anna asked. She sounded just like... like... Dad. I pushed that thought out of my head and nodded. "A few... Jack, Hiccup, Eugene, and Kristoff" I answered.

"You mean me?" said a voice from behind me. I turned around. It was none other then Frosty the Snowman. "Were you stalking us, Frosty?" I asked getting up off the floor, crossing my arms, and laughing. "No! I have better things to do! I was coming here to watch the sunset with Moon and Sadie" he replied.

Me and Anna stared at Jack, confused. Just then a dark black horse walked out from behind the bushes along with a german shepard dog. "The dog's Sadie. The horse is Moon" said Jack. "Why moon?" I asked.

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