House Tour

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Jack's POV:
Elsa looked deep in thought. I sighed. I knew how she felt, everyone picking on her. But I was adding to her worries. So instead of making my jokes mean I made them sarcastic... Well, tried to, anyway.

I stared at the clock. 5....4....3.....2..... The bell rang and I picked up my backpack and rushed out of class. Finally, I was free! Math class was my least favorite subject because I already knew everything there is to know about it. So I never had to listen and the teachers would never call on me and mostly would call on people who don't know the questions. Probably to purposely embarrass them.

Finally, I reached my locker and I saw Kristoff, Eugene, and Hiccup there. They were all my best friends. And we were one of the most popular groups in the school. Almost everyone knew our names.... I'm surprised Elsa didn't...

Eugene crumpled up a piece of paper and through it straight into the trash can that was a few feet away. "Detention slip?" I asked. Eugene nodded. I wasn't surprised. Our group was known for making trouble. But we didn't see ourselves as "troublemakers". More of the type of guys who make everyone laugh by telling off the teacher. Honestly, none of us were afraid to.

"So what'd you do to get yourself a ticket to prison?" I questioned Eugene. He sighed. "Got caught talking during class..." He answered. "Pfft... That's it? Teachers are so strict these days!" I complained. "You didn't let me finish... I told her off after she handed me the detention slip..." He smirked. We all laughed.

See, the people in our group had their own things they were known for. For example, I was known for the funny one. Every girl's dream guy. It was honestly quite annoying having every girl blush when I looked at them... Why didn't Elsa?

Eugene was known for being quite lazy. He talked back to the teachers. But other then that he was pretty cool. He was like that guy who isn't afraid to tell people how he feels and what he thinks.

Hiccup, on the other hand, was the guy who was... Well.... Not a trouble maker. Well, mostly. He got in trouble for pathetic reasons. Every teacher wanted to find any reason to get him in detention. But he was the schools dictionary. The schools library! He could tell you whatever you wanted to know. It was pretty nice to have a human dictionary walking around with you.

Kristoff was more into nature. As a kid, he always went outside. One day he went deep into the woods and couldn't find his way home. He lived there for almost a year and survived because he knew the outdoors THAT good. But after that his parents wanted nothing to do with him. And so he was adopted by two rich parents.

All of our parents were rich. In this school, you have to be rich to be popular. I find that ridiculous. No matter how nice or incredibly amazing someone is, they could never get noticed because they were poor or different from everyone else. It was just plain stupid.

"Here comes McKenna" said Hiccup, distracting me from my thoughts. "Good luck" smirked Kristoff. I groaned. "Hey babe" smiled McKenna while packing herself with make-up. I turned away from her and opened up my locker trying to look busy.

She popped up from behind my open locker and smiled. If I didn't know McKenna was a backstabbing jerk then I would've thought her smile was genuine. I closed my locker making it slam close on her finger and she screamed. "Leave me alone or I'll make sure my security guards do way more than that" I threatened.

She finally managed to pull her finger out of my locked locker. Her finger was completely red and had a cut on it. She turned to me and glared. "I'll have you know that-" she started. But I cut her off. "That you're complete bull sh-" I started but this time someone cut me off.

"What is going on here?!" Yelled a teacher and I leaned against my locker carelessly. "She bothered me so I slammed her fingers in my locker" I said casually. The teacher glared at me and wrapped her arm around McKenna as McKenna pretended to cry. I scowled. "Let's get you up to the nurse, sweetheart" said the teacher and she walked off.

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