Jelsa's Moment

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Elsa's POV:

"Mom" I said after I pushed open the door to my mom's hospital room. She looked terrible. There were tubes that went from a machine and into her nose and she was under a blanket. She looked very pale.

"Elsa" she smiled as she saw my face. "Are you gonna be okay?" I asked her as I walked over to her bed. "I don't know darling...." She answered.

No. This can't be happening. I can't lose my mom too! I started to cry on my mom's blanket while she put her hand on my head attempting to comfort me. I knew she would've sat up if she had the strength.

Once I had stopped crying a sat at the edge of her bed careful not to mess anything up. "Please don't leave me mom. You can fight through this. I promise you" I gave her a huge hug.

The nurse came in and asked me to leave. So I kissed my mom on her forehead and hugged her then left.

Jack was waiting for me in the waiting room and he saw tear marks on my cheeks. He pulled me into a hug and I was thankful for it.

Tears started to run down my cheeks and Jack pulled away from the hug and put both hands on my cheeks when he saw that I was crying. "It's okay, you're gonna be fine. I promise you" he said comfortingly.

I nodded and he wiped my tears away with his thumb and put his arm around my waist and we started walking out the door together.

"Thank you" I said all of a sudden. Jack looked at me curiously. "For constantly being there for me... I really appreciate it" I smiled at him. He smiled back and he placed both of his hands on my cheek and pulled me close.

"I would do anything for you" he said. I smiled at him and I felt myself slowly going towards him for a kiss and he was too.

Our noses were touching and we were only a centimeter away from kissing when...

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