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Jack's POV:

I kicked the soccer ball as hard as I could into the goal but Kristoff blocked it. Kristoff was goal keeper and everyone else was just passing it to each other and kicking it in when they got close enough.

We never actually played real soccer with the positions and things but it was close enough. Kristoff drop kicked the ball half way across the field and we all ran after it. I got to the ball first and passed it forward to Hiccup. Hiccup passed it to Eugene and I ran forward. Eugene passed the ball to me and I dribbled the ball towards the goal.

Usually I was the one to make the goal. Mostly because I was mid forward. Eugene was right forward and Hiccup was left forward. We didn't have defenders or mid fielders though since we didn't really need them.

"So are you going to ask Elsa to the dance?" Asked Hiccup as I made a goal. I looked at Hiccup. "As soon as you ask Merida" I said smirking. Hiccup rolled his eyes and shrugged.

Kristoff drop kicked the ball except this time it wasn't so far. Me and Hiccup and Eugene went after it again. "What about you, Eugene?" I asked looking at him.

"I'm asking Rapunzel" he said simply. "Rapunzel?!" Yelled Kristoff from his place in the goal. "Yep! Jealous much?" Eugene yelled back. I rolled my eyes. Everyone knew Elsa was the most beautiful girl in the world. She had an amazing personality nobody could top.

Kristoff walked out of the goal as we all met in the middle of the field. "You wish! Anna's way better than Rapunzel" smirked Kristoff. "Yeah right! Anna's crazy!" Argued Eugene. "Okay okay guys, you both have got it wrong!" I said as I picked up the soccer ball and sat down with the rest of the guys.

Kristoff and Eugene looked at me like I was crazy. "Elsa's the best out of all of your guys's dates!" I said. They both rolled their eyes and we all looked at Hiccup expecting him to object and say something about Merida.

But Hiccup just sighed and looked down. "Guys, I need help" he said. We all glanced at each other and then looked back at Hiccup. "What?" Asked Kristoff. "It's Astrid" he said. We all groaned except Hiccup.

You see, none of us liked Astrid. But Hiccup refused to let that get in the way of their "relationship". They had a terrible relationship if you asked me. Astrid tormented him and bullied Hiccup daily at the beginning of the school year. They can't just date and be friends like nothing happened. Astrid had never even said sorry.

"Me and Astrid are still dating, you know" continued Hiccup after we had all stopped groaning. "But I'm starting to like Merida. She's everything I've been looking for.... I just don't know how to break up with Astrid" said Hiccup.

"Dump her" "Humiliate her" "She's a bitch anyways" "She doesn't deserve you" "I can do it for you!". All of us started talking at once until Hiccup covered his ears. "Ok, ok, ok!" He said loudly. Then he sighed. "Fine. I'll just do it the hard way" said Hiccup. "Do what the hard way?" Said a voice from beside us.

We all looked to where the voice came from. It was Merida. We all opened our mouths to talk but Hiccup beat us to it. "Merida!" He said jumping up and giving her a hug.

Merida blushed. "He was actually just about to ask you something" said Eugene smirking. Kristoff and I laughed and Hiccup went red. "Actually, I was" smiled Hiccup turning to Merida.

Merida stared at us curiously. "Merida... I was wondering if... If you..." Said Hiccup. "He wants to know if you'd-" started Kristoff eagerly but Hiccup interrupted. "If you'd go to the dance with me" he said. Merida just stared at Hiccup like he was crazy.

"Hiccup, aren't you still dating Astrid though?" She asked awkwardly. "No" said me, Kristoff, and Eugene in unison. "I broke up with her" said Hiccup awkwardly. Merida smiled and kissed Hiccup's cheek. "Of course I'll go to the dance with you" she smiled.

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