Night Out

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"Okay. Here's the plan. Anna, you and Kristoff will be together. Elsa and Jack will be together and Merida and Hiccup too" said Punzie. Then she looked at Eugene. "And me and Eugene... If that's okay with you" added Punzie at the look on Eugene's face. "Yes, of course" he said smiling.

Punzie smiled at him and then turned to the rest of us. "We'll all split up and the boys'll take the girls anywhere. Then at 10:00" said Punzie. "We'll meet up again at my house. Questions?" She asked. Everyone shook their heads.

"Okay let's go" said Punzie smiling. Jack took my hand and led me out the front doors of his house. "Jack, where are we going?" I asked. He gently pulled me closer to him and took off his blue jacket. He wrapped it around my body. "Nothing until I know you're nice and warm" said Jack smiling.

I smirked. "I meant after that" I said smiling. "Oh. Well of course we're going to see the lights" said Jack. "The lights?" I asked. "You'll see" he said. He took my hand again and led me down a sidewalk.

Jack walked side by side with me with his arm wrapped around my waist as if someone was gonna come up and take me from him. I hesitated. I've been wanting to say something for months now. Something that told Jack I had really given him all of my heart and trust.

"Yeah?" He asked. I hesitated. This was a risk I was taking. Jack knew everything. If I trusted him now, what happens if it doesn't work out? If he uses this against me? What if a year from now I'll just be another lame ex-girlfriend of his? I sighed and shook my head. "It's nothing" I mumbled.

Jack slowed down and eventually stopped walking. "Els... You can tell me anything... You know hat right?" Asked Jack. I nodded. Jack waited expectantly for a moment. "I.... I'm just scared" I said. "Of what?" Asked Jack. "That you'll love another girl and I'll just be another ex-girlfriend" I said truthfully.

Jack smiled at me. "Of course I'll love another girl" said Jack.

Jack's POV:

Elsa looked at me with a worried look in her eyes. I saw her eyes dart across my face. Her blue eyes were beautiful. But I hadn't even finished my sentence. "Ten years from now and she'll call you mommy" I finished. Elsa's eyes immediately brightened and I lifted her chin making her look into my eyes.

I held her there for a second before she leaned in and kissed me. Then she pulled away slowly and I took that moment to gaze into her beautiful eyes. Elsa looked down like she was hesitating whether or not to say what she wanted to. I waited patiently but Elsa seemed to have came to a decision. She kept her comment to herself.

"C'mon. Let's keep walking" she said. I nodded and pulled away from her. I took her hand in mine and laced my fingers with hers. We kept walking in the direction towards the floating lanterns, or lights as Rapunzel still called it.

"Jack I still don't quite understand where we're going" said Elsa. I had just led her towards the lake next to the beautiful castle of corona and Elsa stopped in her tracks and gazed over the castle. "It's beautiful" said Elsa. "Like you" I replied. She smiled at me and we continued walking.

I pulled a boat towards the edge of the river and grabbed paddles which were already in the boat. I slowly put one foot after the other into the boat. Then I stood up in it and reached out for Elsa's hand. She took it and I helped her in.

"I'll paddle" I said and started paddling the boat towards the middle of the huge lake. When we were at the middle I pulled the paddles back into the boat and looked at Elsa. "You know... I wanted to ask you something" I said. Elsa looked at me questioningly.

"I was wondering if you'd wanna go to the winter dance with me" I said. This was a bad spot to ask someone a question like this because if they said no then you'd be stuck with them for a long awkward while. And even though I knew Elsa would say yes, I was still nervous as hell.

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