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Elsa's POV:

I lied in bed that night thinking of Jack of course. Who else would I be thinking of?

I thought about how hurt his face looked when he was walking home. I thought about the way I slammed the door in his face. But most of all I thought about the huge mistake I could be making.

To be honest, I really did need Jack. Especially when my mom was in the hospital. I sighed and sat up in my bed. I put my feet off the edge of my bd and thought. Maybe that girl was just a friend Jack had...

And if it was really his girlfriend, I guess I had no reason to be mad at him. After all, me and Jack were only friends and it was never made official that we were dating. I DONT EVEN LIKE HIM!!

Well... Maybe only a little... Ok ok ok. I liked him so much. You know how close we were to kissing?!?

Just then I got a text on my iPhone 6. I picked it up and unplugged it from the charger. Then I lied back down in my bed and held my phone where I could see the screen.

Please be Jack... Please be Jack. I prayed.

Of course it wasn't. It was Punzie. Except she was messaging me on an app called ooVoo. And it was a group chat with me, Punzie, Merida, and Anna. Astrid, I noticed quickly, wasn't in the chat. Probably 'cause of her little feud with Merida.

"Hey, girls" said Punzie. "I'm pretty sure we're all wondering what's up with Elsa not being at school" said Merida. "I'm not" said Anna. I didn't reply for a few seconds before my fingers started rapidly tapping my keyboard.

"Well me and Anna were taking a walk and Jack joined us. Anna took Goldie and Spirit home and left me and Jack alone together. I got a phone call that mom was in the hospital and that she could die. I fell off the horse and was unconscious for three days" I typed.

"Omg that's terrible" said Punzie. "Are you at least okay?" Asked Merida. "Yes I'm fine" I replied. "JACK AND ELSA ALMOST KISSED AND THEN JACKS STUPID PHONE RANG!!!" Said Anna in all caps. "WHAT?!?" Punzie said. "YOURE KIDDING!" Said Merida. "Nope!" Said Anna.

I facepalmed myself and shook my head. Everything was silent in the seconds that I did so and it seemed like everyone was waiting for me to say Anna was exaggerating or telling false information.

I sighed and started to type again. "Yes it's true. But me and Jack aren't dating. He has his reasons, I have mine" I said obviously making it clear that the subject was closed.

Instead of changing the subject, Anna did the opposite. "Stupid Jack got my hopes up -_- But he already has a girlfriend" said Anna. I looked down at the floor disappointed when I saw what Anna had typed and everything came back to me in flashes of memories.

"That's terrible" said Punzie. "Who needs him anyway?" Said Merida obviously trying to make me feel better. Punzie... Not so much.

"Oh Elsa I bet you feel terrible! I can't believe he just broke your heart like that! I bet you're really upset! Don't worry though, he was probably going to cheat on you anyways so it's all good :)" she said.

Gee thanks for making me feel SO much better Punzie...

"Punzie you aren't helping!" Said Merida. "Whoops sorry!" She apologized. "Let's talk about something else" said Anna. An idea popped straight into my mind.

"We could talk about what Merida's holding back from us" I said. I know it wasn't exactly the nicest thing but I was still upset about the whole detention thing. "Holding back? What are you talking about?" Said Merida.

"You hate Astrid. We can all see it. You haven't told us why and we've never been able to even say her name without you having a hurt look in your eyes" I said. "It's true..." Agreed Punzie. "I'm with the girls" said Anna.

"Ok, ok, ok. Well you know how me and Astrid were like best best BEST friends last year?" Said Merida. "Yeah" we all said. "Well I told her some things that I never usually tell anyone. Even my best friends. I usually keep my mouth closed about it" said Merida. "Get on with the story!" Said Anna.

"I know right" me and Punzie said. "Ok. Well I told her who I liked and she started dating who I liked..." Said Merida. There was silence for a whole 5 minutes. Astrid had only dated one person last year. That was Hiccup. She was still with him.

Then, like our brains started to process what Merida was saying, we all rapidly started tapping on our keyboard at the same time.


Merida waited until we all stopped typing before she answered. "Guys! Jeez calm down! I've never liked a guy before. Me and hiccup talk sometimes and he's told me how he really loves Astrid and she's everything he hoped for. I can't possibly ruin that" said Merida.

"And besides, Hiccup only likes me as a friend. I could tell" said Merida. "Hiccup is Jack's friend" was all I could think to say. "Ya, and?" Said Merida. "Merida, Jack probably hates me. Go where your heart tells you to go but don't expect me to get along well with Hiccup's friends" I said.

"I know Elsa. It's fine. Hiccup is so sweet. He won't hate you, I promise" said Merida. "Thanks.." I said.

*One Hour Later*

By now, all of the girls and I had said our goodbyes and most likely, they all went to bed. But I didn't. How could I?

That's when my phone starting ringing. I picked up my phone and stared at it. The call was from Jack. My hands were shaky. I didn't know why. But after 25 seconds of me staring at the call I finally pressed answer.

"J-Jack?" I asked into the phone. "Elsa" said Jack on the other end. I sat up in bed. "Elsa thank you for... Answering. Look, I just wanna know why you're so mad at me.." He said.

His voice sounded hurt. A tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. "Jack, it's nothing" I sighed. "It's something" said Jack.

"Look, it's complicated. Can we just forget this ever happened?" I asked. Jack sounded like he was hesitating then he finally answered. "It's not that easy" he said. "Jack I'm forgetting that today ever happened. You should too" I said.

"Elsa! Don't you understand? I don't want to forget today!" He said. "You're everything to me" he continued. "And I can't just forget something like that!" He finished. I looked down. My eye vision was blurred with tears.

"Please just leave me alone" I said softly. "Guys like you just don't hang out with... Girls like me" I said. Jack sounded like he was frustrated. "Fine, have it your way" he said obviously upset. "But don't come crying to me when you feel like you made a mistake leaving me" he said.

"Jack! You ask me to understand you and I'm trying to! Just try to understand me! Can't you see that I'm hurt because you decided it was smart to almost kiss me and then get a girlfriend and break my heart like every single guy I've ever known!" I said.

Then I shook my head. "But I can't be mad at you for liking someone, can I? All I can do is sit here..." I said softer. "Bye Jack" I said and sighed. "Wait, El-" started Jack but I hung up before he could finish his sentence.


A/N: Hey guys!

So I'm supposed to be cleaning my room but I thought I'd upload this chapter real quick, just to make you guys satisfied :)

Anyways, sorry I deleted the story dark secrets but it wasn't exactly getting anywhere and I didn't feel like people were enjoying it... Anyways, we're almost at 100 reads! There's like 84 reads I think... Can we get 16 more reads? Pleeeeaaaasssseeeee? :D

*gives Nutella sandwiches to everyone with milk*

I love you, Snowflakes!!! Byyyyyeeeee!!!!!! :)

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