No secrets!

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Elsa's POV:

I yawned as I looked up. Jack was gently laying on top of me and I smiled at him. He smirked and kissed me and I playfully pushed him away like I was disgusted. He rolled his eyes and turned over onto his back beside me.

"Good morning, love" he said as he lifted his hand to my face and rubbed his thumb back and forth across my cheek. "Good morning" I said. He pulled away his hand and got up out of bed. "We should... Check on Brit... You know, to make sure she's okay" he said hesitantly.

I nodded and got up. We walked across the hall to Brit's bedroom. Me and Jack glanced at each other before I sighed and knocked gently on the door. "Brit?" I said softly. "Please, I know you're in there" I said as I heard rustling inside the bedroom.

She opened the door and shifted her feet. I leaned down and hugged her then pulled away. "I know you barely know me and I barely know you but I wanna help you. I'm Jack's... Um" I laughed and looked at Jack. He smirked.

"Girlfriend" I finished. Brit looked amazed like she never expected her brother to ever have a girlfriend. Then she crossed her arms. "Jack will never settle down. He's dated but he's only ever done it for fun or something" said Brit. I raised an eyebrow and looked up at Jack expecting him to deny the statement but he didn't.

"Brit, Elsa's special. I'll settle down for her. This isn't for fun or to keep me distracted from the thought of.... Well... Everything" said Jack as he sighed. I smiled at him. I was going to kiss him but I decided not to considering we were in front of his sister.

"Brit what I'm trying to say is... That guy he... He doesn't respect you. Maybe he's in a bad place right now and he needs to escape and maybe that's why everything happened. But sweet heart, you're way better than him and he's not worth your time and love. He doesn't deserve it... And I hope you know that now" I said.

Brit smiled at me and gave me a hug. "Thank you, Elsa" she said. Then she pulled away and signaled for me to lean closer so I did. "I think you'll be perfect for Jack, by the way. He's never talked like that about any girl" she whispered into my ear so Jack couldn't hear. I smiled at her and chuckled.

"Hey, no secrets!" Jack scowled. I smiled at him and shook my head. I loved him so much.


A/N: Guys it's almost the end of the book😭😭😭😭


In the next book I'm going to basically do a flash forward type of thin and show what happens in the future. So then basically it's gonna be after high school and stuff and yeah.

Anyways, sorry this was so short guys! I love youuuuu! And I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in FOREVER!!!

It's just I had to pack to go to my dads for the rest of June and then I'm going back to my moms for July and then my brother is coming for July too and then I have my birthday. There's just so many things to plan!

But thank god the school year's over! I know schools important and blah blah blah blah but seriously I think there's a difference between going to school and having a slight challenge and going to school and feeling like your gonna break down crying because of stress.

I literally thought I wasn't gonna make it through the last day of school because I was that stressed! It was terrible.



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