Not Her

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Elsa's POV:
*The next morning*

The next morning I woke up in my own bed. I looked around and saw a note taped to my bedside table. I sat up and pulled the note of of the table.

I carried you home after you fell asleep! Kristoff carried Anna. We got all of you guys back to your houses and in bed. I hope you have a wonderful Saturday my snowflake :)

~ Frosty the snowman

I smiled at the note and put it in the drawer of my bedside table. Then my iPhone 6+ started blowing up with messages. They were all from Anna. Before I had a chance to read the messages Anna called me and I answered.

"What is it?" I said slightly annoyed. Then I realized that she was crying. "Elsa! They put her down! She's gone" she cried. And she was literally crying.

"Wait Anna calm down. Who was put down?" I asked. Anna just cried into the phone. "Where are you?" I asked. "In my room" she sniffed. I got out of bed and walked out of my room towards Anna's room.

I gently opened the door and saw Anna crying on the bed, practically screaming. Rascal was whimpering and nudging her trying to make her feel better. He licked her face and Anna just cried more.

"Anna what is it?" I asked her. "Mom" she cried her voice thick with emotion. "No..." I said as I felt tears flooding my eyes. "No! Not mom! Please no" I said now crying. I ran over to Anna's bed and we hugged each other for what seemed like forever. We cried and cried and cried.

The bed sheets were soaked with tears and me and Anna were still crying. After awhile me and Anna stopped crying though. And we just sat there staring at the blankets in silence.

Jack's POV:
One hand was on my steering wheel and the other hand had my phone pressed up against my ear. "Why isn't she answering?" I said worriedly.

"Give her some space" said Kristoff. "Yeah she's probably still sleeping. It's eight in the morning" said Hiccup. All of us guys were headed to the soccer field together to play soccer.

But Elsa wasn't answering her phone and she almost ALWAYS answers her phone. I sighed and pushed on the brake with my foot as we came to a red light.

"She'll eventually call you back" said Kristoff trying to make me feel better. "How do I know nothing's wrong?" I asked ignoring Kristoff trying to comfort me.

"Dude, you are way too protective" said Eugene. I rolled my eyes and called Elsa again. Then the light turned green and I pushed on the gas pedal.

The phone kept ringing and eventually it came to a voicemail. I groaned and turned off my phone while sliding it in my pocket. My phone was an iPhone 6.

"This girl is such a pain sometimes" I said getting slightly irritated. "Jack, give her a break. She's probably going through I tough time with her mom in the hospital and you not asking her to the dance and whatnot" said Hiccup. Kristoff and Eugene quickly shushed Hiccup and covered his mouth with their hands but I had already heard.

A/N: I'm sorry guys I feel bad for giving you guys such a short chapter D:

Ok ok ok personal time again! Lol😂 You know when you keep your feelings and opinions to yourself for like months at a time? If you don't do that and just LET IT GO LET IT GO CANT HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE!!!! Okay I'm done with singing... What I was trying to say was if you don't do that then just try to understand my point.

Do you ever feel like you've kept your feelings bottled up for so long that you're dying to say everything? Well that's how I feel right now. For the last 5 months I've kept TONS of things to myself.

This is one of the points in life where I guess I just kind of break. Everything I've ever done comes flooding back to me in memories. And there's nothing I can do. I think it might be something everyone gets once in awhile but it's super bad for me and I'm a very sensitive person...

Idk it just sucks. Okay let's talk about something else... Actually there's nothing else to talk about😂 Lol. Okay well byyyyyeeeee!!!!!!!!!

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