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And this is my life,

When I should be sleeping, I laid awake scrolling,

When my imagination should be running riot in glorious technicolor in my head,

It's on mute whilst my face is unlimited by different shades of blue.

What's on your mind I'm asked whilst brainwashed on Facebook instead of having adventures of on my mind from getting lost in a book.

I'm tweeting words instead of listening to the tweeting early in the mornings which I never wake for because my brain never has the time to rest and cool down in order to let me sleep naturally. I now sleep exhaustion. My mornings are at lunch, my lunch is now tea and my dinner is now breakfast.

People are waking as I finally fall unconscious.

It's an addiction to post a status like it is to sniff or inject, now it's to type at lighting speed.

I'm out and I won't admire the beauty without sharing it with everyone. Everyone now knows where I am, who I'm with and what I'm doing yet none of us are looking up.

I tweet about how the world never changes, how it's hard to see the beauty in the world yet when I take a picture I Instantly Instagram it with a filter and distort the natural beauty. I juxtapose the rights I believe to be wrong by wronging the rights.

I barely look up, conversations are easier through a phone. When nervous people would look at their feet, but I'm always staring down because I'm brainwashed not to look up.

And this is our life,

Comment on this status, oh look it's her birthday, comment there, don't forget to share this and share that whilst liking Dave's trip to Egypt and Beth's new selfie then tweet about the weather outside whilst I Instagram my dinner that I haven't touched yet because it's like the chefs work of art that needs to be appreciated. It's stake and chips.

We're obsessed with the latest gadget and the latest technology that is dominating the world by filling the bank accounts of those that made them.

It's not all bad, we can reach those across seas without waiting for letters or long distance flights.

We can catch people in different time zones with video chats and snaps and voicemails and voice calls and likes and shares and this that and the other.

This little phone in my hand holds more relationships with the people I'm meant to more than I.

Facebook reminds me of his birthday, whilst Twitter hashtags the anniversary of Jacksons death yet Instagram is challenging me to 30 days of pictures with memories from besties and my little Westie dog.

I click this, swipe that, tap this, scroll down, scroll up, rotate side ways and go in all different directions without moving an inch.

And this is all of us,

A different generation addicted to technology.

We need this, we need that. Once we've had the latest iPhone we could never go back to just calling and texting, the very thing mobiles were invented for.

They are more than that to us now,

How can I tell you all of this?

Because I'm hooked as well and to go cold turkey and go outside would feel like I've lost touch with what I know. I've lost who I am physically but virtually I'm a gamer, a poet, an adventurer, a musician and a critic! I'm everything I'm too scared to work for because it's easy to be amateur through this techno gadgets.

I'm lost in a virtual world that doesn't exist,

And this is my life.  

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