I'm Lost

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I'm lost...

I'm lost...

I'm a screw up. A fuck up. A mess up.

I can't even begin to write, my heads such a mess.

I fuck up any good thing, it's all my fault.

Just screwing my life and others, it never stops.

I give up on self happiness or that of others,

It's not my problem anymore, time to sit and wallow.

I just want to stop right here and go no further,

At least I won't be able to hurt anymore.

"Trust" is a word that is so important,

I don't know if it's a word I believe any longer.

Fuck what I feel. Fuck anything to do with me.

I'm done with pursuing any chance of happiness.

I've made mistakes, I regret them all,

I drag them round in a coffin, forever more.

It puts so much pressure on me, it never stops,

Forever reminded of where I want wrong.

Not aloud to make things right, I'm forever changed,

People don't trust me, that will never change.

What did I do now? I'm coming to my end,

I'm so weak, broken and beyond any repair.

I try and try and try, but for what?

Nothing again.

Always a little snag, mind fucked again.

That's what girls do, they draw on your emotions and fuck you around but no longer will I fight, for them or my happiness, I'm done. 

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