Simplistic Tragedy

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"Do you think you'll get her?" echoes in my head,

A question with an answer that fills me with dread.

I really wish I knew, if one day she'll be mine,

I really wish I knew, if one day I'll be fine.

My future is a mystery, is scares me to the core,

With each day that passes, I'm trying more and more.

Trying to make her mine, trying to win her heart,

This is almost as hard as hitting bulls eye with a dart.

I read one line of something she writes,

My heart drops faster than when wind leaves a kite.

The answer to that question, is crystal clear,

Without a second thought I drowned myself in beer.

It hit me harder than I thought was possible,

I'm getting fed up of all these fucking obstacles!

I'm being driven to the edge, day by day,

I keep looking for the words, what more can I say?!

Life is hard enough when you feel so alone,

Each and everyday, I never cease to moan.

I'll keep my mouth shut, she'll never know,

Suffer in silence while my hearts struck by the bow.

As days turn to weeks, I'll drink more and more,

I'll be hungover on the bathroom floor.

The months will pass, I'll have secluded myself,

I'll see she's moved on, it'll damage my health.

Myself I'll be fooling, I'll keep hanging on,

Keeping myself in this, the biggest con.

Time has stretched on now, it hasn't been kind,

I lay here now and think what a big bind.

Laid up here in a hospital bed,

After being found in state nearly dead.

My wrists were sore and scarred to hell,

My soul to the devil, I was trying to sell. 

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