Tragic Lover

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My heart sinks into my chest, it can't take another hit,

Soon it's going to need a puncture repair kit.

I hate how I can't stop myself, I always come back,

Within that wall I've built, there's always another crack.

I just can't stop myself, I can't leave you be,

I can't stop until I've found you heart and the key.

The thought of your heart, captured by another lad,

The future I planned fades, to our children I'll never be dad.

In the dead of night, in the kitchen I stand alone,

To you I want to message, I reach for the phone.

I stop myself, and head for something worse,

I wonder if I'm the only one alive with this curse.

We're best friends, I'll always be there,

I've promised you a lot that I'll always, forever, care.

However, your my first love, letting go is hard,

Never the less, for you, I'll always go the furthest yard.

Love is on my side and sadly not on yours,

It hurts so much, fighting it is like a chore.

What do I do? To make this go away,

I'll do anything, the amount I'd pay!

This is the part, where all gets dark,

Let's avoid it, skip the depressing lark.

You know not of the pain I go through, it's unique to me,

To hear that you'd want me would fill me with glee.

This will never happen, I'm living in my dreams,

In them, I'm happy, it practically beams.

However, come out my mind,

Look to the side, I've got myself into quite a bind.

Upon my bed side counter, there is something that in large amounts kills,

Yet, I knew that, that's why I did it, I decided to take the pills. 

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