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This infatuation is eating at me,

Crying doesn't ease that see,

It's me vs. my feelings, a battle to the death,

People would think I'm smoking crystal meth.

You're worth it though, you're worth the pain,

That's why I just keep fighting, fighting in vain,

No one can tell me otherwise, what I know to be true,

That is that I'm crazy, madly, deeply in love with you.

That sounds stupid, over the top,

I sound crazy, look crazy, my hairs like a mop,

If I could put you in my shoes, let you see what I see,

You'd run away when you see me down on one knee.

Of course, when I say that, it's just in my head,

I'm not just trying to say this to get you in my bed,

I'm being honest, I'm telling the truth,

I'm not like all the others, being goof!

When I say that, that's just what I think,

In times gone by, I would have written to you in ink,

For some time now, I've been trying to better myself,

I'm not past my sell-by date, please keep me on the shelf.

Get to know me, see where it goes,

By next valentines you'll be receiving a rose,

I'm not trying to buy you, or win you over,

It's just my wish to a four leaf clover.

We start to get closer, hugging now and then,

I'll comfort you with my good friends Jerry and Ben,

Movies all night, snuggled up tight, I'll cook you a meal,

How about we make it a deal?

Let's just take things slow and steady, they say it wins the race. It's all about time, being with each other, taking things are your pace,

I don't want to rush you or scare you away,

I promise to you, I'd always obey.

I just want to prove to you, that I'd always be faithful,

Because being without you would be nothing but painful.

Seeing you every day, looking so stunning,

It takes my breath away, my mind starts running.

Thinking what the future could hold,

Whether my plans will be the mold,

To our relationship, what does the future bring?

Our lives together would mean everything.

Another rehearsal come and gone,

Now sitting at home watching Pokemon,

All I can do is think of you and that chance I didn't take,

I wish these thoughts would go, wish I could have a break.

When will the day come? The day that I'm free of the infatuation,

Will I have to announce my love to the nation?

Doing so, will it make this disappear? Or will it make you mine?

However, don't think that I see you as possession, now time for the next line.

What's troubling you darling? Please reveal to me.

I just want you to talk to me so I can fill you with glee.

Please don't tell me I pester you, because I hate to so,

My music talent isn't good like Mr.Mo.

I see you up on stage, I see you in the seats.

My heart is going along with the musical beat.

You're talented and wonderful, but compliments aside,

Biffy Clyro speak sense when they say I hope we collide, my feelings for you I can no longer hide.

It's coming to the point where I just want to mention,

Before I do, let me just say I'm not seeking attention.

This poem has gone on for far too long,

You know what? I think I love you, there I was strong. 

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