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Play your role, say your lines, entertain me for a while,

Quick call 999, police, help! Just hurry up and dial!

Another murder , a heart shot down in love,

This one ain't flying free like no dove.

Messed up, chewed and spat out,

There is no way it could have survived, no doubt.

It's sad to see sights like this, the crowd can only gather,

A conscience won't be cleaned like repeat and lather.

We all feel for the youngster, there was no way to help,

It never let out he needed us, not even a yelp!

Where are they? 999, come on we need you ,

Get out the stretcher, take it away,

It wasn't one to fall down and obey.

Terrible news just in, love has struck another,

Another teen in soil to be covered.

Suicide. Murder. Suicide. Murder. Suicide.

Quick, get out of here, run away far, run and hide.

Don't grow up we are begging you now,

Just escape this fate that in anyway how.

More on this story, the victim is said to be genderless,

Any girl or boy can be dragged into this mess.

Sensitive. Strong. Weak. Tender. Gone.

Whatever is said it is sure to be wrong.

Finally, they are here. Take him away.

Finally, they are here. Take her away.

Another one who is free to do anything but obey.

Another one who is free to do anything but obey.

A daughter, a son, parents struck down in shock,

Don't be quiet. They love you! They are your rock!

I know it's hard, it's all too confusing to take on board,

But you feel a release when you listen to some chords.

Don't become the person laid out in the street ,

Despite how much the future gives you a fright.

Step away from the knife. Lower the weapon.

Carry on to live and your job might involve an apron.

Life gets difficult. It makes us all weak.

The news feeds the tea time listeners with all that is bleak.

Don't be another comment from some other human,

Stand your ground and be proud you never ran.

Face up to what destroys you and give it all you've got,

You aren't ever going to loose the plot!

Boy, you are strong. Tell that girl you love her!

Girl, you are strong. Tell that boy you love him!

Show her who you are and you won't have to lure.

Show him who you are, "Hi, I like you, my names Kim"

We are all young once. We see life in different ways,

Don't take revenge, one day they'll pay.

There will come times when it hurts to hell,

'Cause love is hell, love is shit, hear that bell!

Yet, it's fantastic and wonderful, just you see...

Life is a stage, we all play a part,

It comes to us naturally, we portray a perfect art.

Now, let's take a step back. Reverse the events of .

Play your role, say your lines, "I love you, alright?"

The scene has changed. Happy ever after,

Life goes on with days of laughter.

Someone may not be there to stop you or make you think twice,

So for the love of God, take a step back before you do anything stupid Christ!

We need you. We do.

The world wouldn't be the same without you. 

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