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No confessionary in a church is needed for this rhythm,

For the things I'd confess live up to that of crimes.

An innocent game is how we start off this ball,

Into a chain of events it roles, not restricted by rules.

Throwing questions of truth from one court to the next,

Then onto the dares which we both reject.

You ask me to confess, to admit things deep down,

The let out the thoughts in which I drown.

If you knew what I'd say, to know what I'd confess,

You'd understand why I've had to compress.

It rips me apart that I can't admit this, it's silly any how,

It's beyond my power for this be allowed.

With both of us taken, our hearts allocated else where,

It seems like I'm on my own with this feeling all too rare.

So for now I'm leave you guessing, until another time,

When to feel what I'm feeling is no longer a crime.

Let's just put it this way, as my last final truth,

While I still have a chance like this in my youth.

If we were both looking for a lover in our life,

You know, thinking of who could be a husband or who a wife.

Then I'd sweep you off your feet and take you on a date,

Showing you what romance is, making our fate.

The past would be behind us, our new life begun,

Just enjoying each other's company, having some fun.

In the cold winter nights, I'd hold you so close,

As our hearts grow closer and the love just shows.

However, this is all a confession, a dream within my head,

One with me that I'll carry until the day I'm dead.

Buried sixth feet under, away from all I knew,

Forever wondering what it was like to be with you.

So just tell me one thing, from the answer that I've gave,

If you figure it all out, will you be just as brave?

As I was to fight through weakness to answer this here,

Or will you be scared and run away from me dear?

I'm sorry for this confusion, for this confession right now,

I hope you don't look up to me with tears to then row.

The best thing you could do is accept what you've read,

Hug me and whisper that all of this is now to bed.

Our friendship will remain the same, I've been silly, I know,

We'll laugh about this soon, just please don't go.

That's all I have to say, now look up at me,

How goofy I am and remember not to flee.

Thank you for this friendship, in only it's early days,

I'm sure this silly feeling is only a phase.

I'll always be here, no matter what you need,

No need to thank me, beg me or plead.

I just do my best and give all I can,

For you that little bit more of which I never planned.

But one things for sure, only one thing is true,

You're my best friend and I love you. 

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