Venus De Milo

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Name: Venus De Milo, Mei Pei Chi

Nickname: Venus, Mei, De milo, shinobi, Ms. Pei chi, Vee, Mimi

Favorite things: Magic, Ninjitstu, reading, listening to Talena, board games, spending time with the ones she loves.

Favorite food: Sushi

Weapon of choice: Twin Tensens (war fans), Twin katanas, I guess her hands 😂

Relatives: Hopu, Dariyasa Yoso (???), Orimura Yoso (???), Oliver De Milo (big brother) and Usagi (cousin)

Love interest: Leonardo

Age 16

Role: The leader or shinobi

Bandana color: Light blue/ turquoiseish

Favorite song genre: Classical or calming music

What her voice sounds like:  deedee Magno Hall

Venus de milo ran off to New york city when she was a kid around 13-14. She found 3 other girls like herself! It was amazing. She took them back to Japan and China where they would train and they wanted her to be their leader. She didn't feel like she was ready and kept arguing to Larota about it saying that she ahould be the leader but she eventually gave in. They soon went back to New york but Venus had to go back to Japan and china for more training like Moalier had said. She felt bad for Tally but knew she would understand but Larota is a whole other story.

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