Chapter 10: What just happened

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Talena's POV:
"Donnie are you ok?"
I asked. He came closer to me.
"Im sorry Talena but i can't help my self."
He cut me off by kissing me. Woah. I felt like my heart exploded and my face was burning hot. I was so confused but i was alreay kissing back. He took my sides while i put my hands around his neck deepening the kiss. We needed to stop but we didn't. Our kiss turned into a soft makeout. I never had this feeling before. It was only about 2 weeks that we've known eachother. I put my hands on his cheeks and we smiled while kissing. I could feel it. We kept kissing for a few more minutes until the phone rang. We split right as we heard it realizing what just happened. I went to the phone and picked it up it was Lara. Thank goodness she's ok and coming. I hung up and went to the library door to let Vee, Leo and Moalier out.
"Took you long enough Tally."
"Yea sure Vee."
"Where is Oliver?"
Moalier asked.
"Everyone else is upstairs and pretty sure the humans left."
All three of them went upstairs leaving me and Donnie alone again.
"Uh well..."
I said.
"Sooo uh...what do we do now."
He said.
"Well we can go to my room and talk if you like?"
"Ya That'd be great."
Donnie said.
So we went to my room.
"Wow Talena this is really cool."
"Oh thank you Donnie."
"Sorry about the...kiss..."
"Oh no you're fine i quite...enjoyed it actually."
I said blushing a LOT. We faced eachother again but this time we closed the door to my room and with no suprise we kissed again. This time things got a little more heated. Donnie lifted me on my bed while my legs were around his waist. It wasn't like last time. It was more wet and heavy. He went on top of me and we kissed with our tongues almost meeting. I melted into the kiss. I moaned softly at the feeling and he moaned once.We kept going for an hour or so until we needed air.
"So i guess we really like eachother huh."
I said while turning over to face him. We were both on the bed. I was near the wall while he was near the edge right next to me.
"Ya. I guess we do. I love you Talena. Ever since i layed my eyes on you and you're gorgeous eyes."
He said turning over to me and rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I closed my eyes and smiled blushing even more.
"I love you too Donnie. I have and always will."
I said. We shared one last kiss smiling and cuddled for a bit then got up knowing that my best friends were coming soon.


We stayed in the kitchen table waiting for Larota and Amoly to come. I was telling him stories about them.
"... and then Amoly broke the security camera and it took me about three weeks to make a new one."
He laughed.
"What about you?"
"Well i don't really check the security system."
"Ya i only really do it when the alarm goes off or the shredders after us or if the police need us."
"How many enemies do you have?"
"Well i guees only Shredder, Bebop, Rocksteady and Kraang."
"Holy moly. We have way more."
"Ya like Nayichu, kraang, Rozu clan, Sakura clan and alot more."
"Thank You and Amy for that."
I heard a familiar Hispanic accent.
I turned to the door and saw the one and only
"Larota! Amoly!"
I yelled to hug them. They ran to me and hugged me back.
"*gasp* Larota what happened to you're eye!?"
"Shredder but it's no big deal-"
"Come with me misses It's fine."
I said dragging her to my room to repair her wounds.
"How come Amoly's ok?"
"Because i didn't fight."
Then i shut the door, put Lara on my bed and got my healing Potion and bandages.

Amoly's POV:
While Tally was putting bandages on Lara i noticed another mutant!? I looked at him confused.
"Uh hi?"
He said.
"Well this is weird."
I said. I heard a thud behind me. I quickly turned around and jumped a little when i saw another but he had an orange mask.
"Woah woah woah it's ok girl."
He said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Who are you?"
I said looking at the one with the purple Bandana and the one with the orange.
"That is Donatello he is the genius of the team. He's a nerd."
He said pointing at purple and putting an arm around me.
"And if we go up the stairs you'll see Leonardo in the blue he's our leader. Fearless one silent and deadly."
He said walking me up the stairs.
"That one in the red his name is Raphael. He is like a really big cuddly teddy bear if really big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent and mean."
I giggled a bit.
"And I'm Michaelangelo signing my signature Orange. Im a triple threat brains brawn and obviously a dazzling personality. You lovely lady can call me Mikey."
He said twirling me around and taking my hand and kissing it. I was flattered and couldn'thelp but giggle. I then saw Venus.
I said pointing at her with a shakey hand.
She stood up from talking to that Leonardo guy. I rammed into her hugging her.
"Haha! I lived!"
I squatted down putting my hands in fists in the air.
"Really Amy. What about Larota?" "Talena is fixing her up."
"Ya Larota didn't want to wait so she broke her arm sorta and She got big ass scrach on her eye by shredder. Its gonna leave a scar."
"Amy you have small cuts and bruises all over your body."
I looked at my body and noticed that i did in fact have bruisesandscratches.
"They're small. They'll go away."
Then Mikey came behind me and looked at my arms that were also cut and bruised by the foot.
"Ya they don't exactly like me."
I said. He didn't let go of my arms. He just stood there looking at them. Then he hugged me.
"Are you ok?"
Woah. This guy cares for me even though we just met!?
"Of course! They'll heal."
I said pushing him back a little so he wasn't hugging me and gave him a smile.
"I am going to see Larota then."
Venus said.
"Well ok then."
"I'll go with you Venus."
Moalier said. Oh boy.
"I'm coming too!"
Oliver said. The three of them left leaving me, Michaelangelo, and Raphael.
"So, you guys know how to dance?"
I asked.

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