Chapter 5: Saving the one who saved me

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(The song goes on when It's almost Larota's POV 😎)

Talena's POV:
I Opened my eyes to see the boys lair for a second and immediately fell to the ground. I groaned as i fell. I got up rubbing my head while i felt someone grab my shoulder.
"Are you alright Tally!?"
It was Donnie. I just met him and he cares for me very much already. It was cute.
"Ya I'm alright but my friends aren't."
I said grabbing my other stuff from the couch.
"I might need your guys help."


It was night time and we headed out. I needed them at the lair well my lair. I landed in front of the gate and lifted the metal plate above the finger print scanner i put my hand on it and then a camera scan came on my body.
"Why don't we just get in from the roof?"
Raph said.
"Oh you don't want to do that."
I said eyes wide when the scan stopped. It revealed red lasers all around the place. The building looked bigger due to the illusion discs I put around it.
"Oh thats why."
Donnie said.
I went inside and noticed the guys didn't follow.
"Well come on."
I said. Leo came in and followed me with Donnie right behind him then Mikey came. Raph was hesitant but came in. Not wanting to be outside for too long for someone to see him.
"Woah! Is this your lair Talena!?"
Mikey yelled.
"Yea it was me and my friends first lair and we call it the main junction.
"Wait you're first?"
Leo said.
"Ya we have lairs almost everywhere. We have one in Egypt, some in south america, China, Japan and even one on the moon. It's one of my favorite ones. Oh and alot more some not even on earth."
I said. Donnie's surprised face was cute.
"Woah that so cool!"
Mikey said. We hung out in the kitchen area as i heard a beeping noise from the fridge.
"Really Amy!"
I said opening the fridge.
"What is it."
Leo asked.
"I held a circular metal device with purple lines and a redish pink ball in the middle.
"It's an emergency device. I installed something on they're weopons so when they need help they press a red button and i put the device on my stuff and get they're exact coordinates."
I said walking to where the lever was to reaveal my computer area. I opened the metal case around the lever and pulled it down to reveal my stuff. They all awed in amazement at my invention. It kind of felt like kids seeing an animal in real life for the first time.


layout of what the first floor looks like(sort of. Its not finished yet):

I got up the little staircase and onto my chair

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I got up the little staircase and onto my chair.

Looks like this:

Leo came next to me on my left while donnie came in on my right

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Leo came next to me on my left while donnie came in on my right. I went on my computer and checked where Amoly's weopon was.
"What are you doing there Shredder."
I said under my breath. Raph came with Mikey behind me. Im surrounded by smelly teeange guys. Great. I looked to see if there was any camera footage. Nothing. I checked the audio.
"Tally! Im not sure if you can hear or see me but its worth a shot."
We heard loud banging from a distance.
"Dangit Lara! Can't you do that later!?"
"It's either now or never Amy!"
I clicked some buttons so we can have a call.
"Amy! Whats happening!?"
I asked.
"Oh thank Chase and Philip. Larota is trying to break out- oh."
I said.
The others looked at me and back at where the noise was coming from with worried looks.
"Larota is out and hitting everyone with the cuffs they put on her."

Larota's handcuffs and chains kind of look like this but more heavy and bulkier( and more chains):

Larota's handcuffs and chains kind of look like this but more heavy and bulkier( and more chains):

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"Please tell me she hasn't killed anyone."
"Ya i think she has..."
Then we heard a yell in the distance.
Then the call ended.
"We have to go."


Larota's POV:
After the spiritual call i fell flat on my face. But i was kind of protected by the mouthpeice around my face. I growled at the thing.
"Lara you have to calm down alright."
I heard Amy say. I gave her a glare.
"Amoly do you have your weapons."
"Press the emergency button."
"Oh right! I forgot about that."
"You foget about everything."
She pressed it and started to talk shortly after. I went to the door and started slamming my body on it trying to make it fall. I didn't want Tally or the others to think im weak because i am not.
I yelled. I kept going, now harder and faster. I just want to get Amy out of here.
"Amy what's happening!"
I heard Talena.
I then ran to one side of the room and ran at the speed of light towards the door knocking it down.
I yelled. A couple of ninjas came towards me but i hit them with the cuffs knocking them out or maybe killed them.
I Was in a big room with a LOT of foot, Rozu, kraang and some other ninja teams and clans. I smirked and started fighting them all. I thought I'd do my little battle yell.
Man i love messing with the evil. I found a metal table with my Kurisigamas and all my other stuff and slammed the cuffs. They broke leaving my hands a bit bloody. I geared up and started kicking and punching bad guys until i got to the opening of where Amoly was. I kicked the door open and saw Amy being held by our step brother.
"What are you doing Lara."
He said. He disgusted me.
"Getting out of here with Amoly Jakana."
"Oh i don't think so my love."
I felt dizzy. I didn't relize how much blood i was loosing. From the scrach on my eye to my legs being scratched by the foot.
I said softly and passed out.

Amoly's POV:
I yelled. I kicked Jake in the nuts with my heels as he let me go. I grabbed Lara. She was really heavy. I didn't know if we were going to be able to get out of here. I heard footsteps that sounded like shredders. I dropped Larota and pretended to pass out. I don't know about Lara but I'd rather wait for Venus and Talena to get here. They're the ones with really stong magic. He grabbed us carrying us bridal style for what seemed like a few minutes until i felt cool air around me and no shredder or Larota. I pretended to just wake up and i was suprised. He took us to another lab but it was a bit nicer and we didn't have chains. I thought i should let Talena know that we are ok but I'll do that in a bit.
Larota started to wake up around 30 minutes later. She looked around and saw me. I looked at her with guilty eyes. I couldn't have brought us out of this mess even she knew that.
"Well well well if it isn't the mutant female who decided to kill a third of my men."
"Thats not even close Shredder."
Lara said
"Whatever! Anyway, you girls will stay here until you've made up your minds about joining us. Got it!"
"Oh yea. Sure thing ya evil cheese grader."
I said smirking.
Shredder left slamming the door. I looked to see if i had my Manriki. I had only one. I pressed the button to send a voice message to Tally.

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