Chapter 1: A new face in the shadows

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Talena's POV:
I honestly can't belive the Kraang would go try to destroy the world, JUST BECAUSE I STOLE AN ARTIFACT FROM THE KING!?!? No worries though they won't be able to find me. My technology is untraceable. But who drove the commander out? They couldn't have been human it would be impossible for them to survive. I will have to find them and thank them. Hopefully they're still here.


I am walking home with some groceries. Yes i am wearing the human disguise.
I heard someone yell. I immediately took out my bō and hit them hard- oh no. What are nightmare demons doing here?
"Who are you?"
I turned around to see a human girl with dark brown hair wearing black tights, a gray crop top and a yellow jacket. I have to say she's really pretty.
"My name is Talena but please call me Tally"
I said she looked at me and smiled a bit. I started to hear the devil wake up and police sirens.
"We have to go."
I said as calmy as possible and grabbed her hand lightly. I used my bō and spell to teleport us to the lair.


She looked kind of scared but mostly confused.
"Where do you live?"
I was curious.
"I live in an apartment with-"
I interrupted.
"Oh no darling! You'll be staying with me from now on."
I showed her around the place and she told me about how she works as a news reporter and that she wanted to learn Ninjitstu. It was nice having someone around the place for once.
"I could teach you the basics if you like!"
I said calmy but excitedly.
"That'd be wonderful!"
She quickly said. I have a feeling we will be good friends.


I showed her where she would be sleeping.
"Woah! Are you sure this is for me?"
She asked. This was one of the smaller rooms... where in the multiverse has she been!?!?
"U-uh yeah."
I said.
"This is bigger than my old room!"
She said. I quickly realized something.
"Hey i never got your name?"
"Oh its April. April O'neil."
So she's April. I'll keep that in my notes.


I was just making breakfast for April and I. She is really sweet but last night a friend of hers called her really late. Geez and i thought i didn't get any sleep. They said they're tracker wasn't working and they were trying to find her. April said she was fine and that she was just moving to another house. They kept asking questions on why they couldn't track her but she didn't know so i butted in and i said," My technology is untraceable. If you would like to know where she is then she will tell you the address." They were silent for a bit but i heard a guy with a Brooklyn accent say, "Who the hell are you and what have you done with April!" This guy needs to chill and take a chill pill. I thought."Don't worry she's free to leave anytime she pleases. Plus i said she can tell you the address." 'Asshole.' Then she went to her room and i heard her say my name but it's whatever. Atleast she didn't know my last name.
"What are you doing Tally?"
It was April. She just woke up and... she looks like a mess.
"I am just doing breakfast ms. O'neil. May i do your hair?"
I asked politely.
"Sure! I could honestly use a new look."
I giggled at her response.
"Hey i never got you're last name."
'Shit' I thought.
"Did one of you're friends ask you?"
I asked commandedly but calmy.
"Well- i-i thought maybe-."
She started to stutter and i couldn't help but to giggle.
"You're fine Ms. O'neil, it was just a question. But you have to promise me..."
I became nervous. What if she takes me back to my father and Shredder. I don't want to be experimented on again.
"Promise what?"
She asked.
"That you will not tell anyone not even you're closest friends."
I said commandedly.
"Hm. It's Stockman my name is Talena Stockman..."
She seemed surprised but i didn't expect her to go silent. She kept looking at me. But why-?
"U-uh oh."
I suddenly look down at my wrist. I wasn't wearing the watch.
"H-hey A-pr-ril maybe we c-can talk about-t this!"
I practically yelled. She then showed me a smile?
"... Apri-"
"There. Are. More. Mutant. Turtles."
She fainted.
"Well she probably needs a prescription for that."


I took her to my room and started to take care of her. Was there something wrong? She woke up and rubbed her forehead.
"Take these."
I said giving her 2 pills.
"It will help with the headache and soreness in you're body."
She took it and the glass of water i had for her. When she finished she looked at me smiling.
" I have friends who are very much like you."
She said. I was confused.
"Mutant turtles?"
"Mutant turtles."
We said at the same time.
"Please show me to them."
I said interestingly.
She was trying to find a window outside.
"It's the afternoon"
I said. She looked at me as if i can't go outside and i smirked.
"I can where the human disguise while we go there."
I said as i went out of my room to where my real stuff is. She followed me confused. I pulled a lever from on the wall on the far left and in the center of the house came my computers and workspace came out of the ground. She looked shocked. I laughed at her expression.
"Go to the kitchen. I made lunch for you."
I said.
"We should go after you finsh eating."
I took out my watch and put it on. 'What to wear? Hmm. This should do.' I thought. I clicked the watch and light purples and blues came out and spun around me covering my whole body. I always feel like a Cinderella when i put the disguise. I had a dress that stopped a bit higher than my knees. It was a tight looking one but it was breathable. It had yellow, black, light pink, red orange, white, and orange stripes.It also had buttons that turned into a v-neck. I also wore black boot heels that looked tight too. Hehe. My hair was curled a bit so it stopped a bit below my ears showing my big hoop earings.
"Wow you look good Tally!"
April said.
"O-oh Thanks April."
"I'm done so maybe we can go now?"
"Sure! I'm down!"
"Great lets go."
How Talena looks like as a human in the dress:

"How Talena looks like as a human in the dress:

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