Chapter 12: Hey.

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Amoly's POV:
So when we were done, the guys had to go back to their place for training. Venus looked worried. I was going to go to her but I was held back by Lara.
"Lets go Amy."
She said. Then I saw Talena and Oliver go towards Venus. I hope she's ok.

Oliver's POV:
I went over to Venus Along with Tally. You know i did have feelings for her but I kind of knew she didn't like me back, but i kind of moved on while we were in China. I know the girls don't really like Moalier but i do. When i flirted with her she giggled or was just flustered. It was cute. Plus when I saw Talena kiss Donatello, my heart fell into pieces. I was broken but I should've known she didn't like me. But hey atleast she's still my friend. Plus I have Moalier.

Talena's POV:
"Venus are you ok?
"Yea Tally I'm just worried about Sensai. She should be here by now."
"How long ago did you guys leave from here?"
"Well me, Oliver and Moalier went on plane while Mom er Sensai Hopu went on boat. She doesn't like planes plus she's human. We were on a private plane. So i guees yesterday morning."
"Well it shouldn't have been that long..."
"Maybe we should wait for a day or two and if she doesn't show then we start to worry."
Oliver suggested.
"Ya that seems good."
"Hey Talena, how's you're new boyfriend treatin ya."
Oliver joked with me. I gasped a bit and felt my face burning.
I ran to my room. How does he know. Don't tell me he saw us. Aw man, im so sorry Ollie i just don't like you that way.


Amoly's POV:
So Sensai came a bit Late because she got lost. Like always. Sensai isn't really like a Sensai for us. She's more like a cool aunt or mom. It's also been 'bout a week since we met the guys. Maybe they're Sensai grounded them or somethin. Hopu would too if we were gone for hours. We don't really have any contact for them because we never got it. Talena is the only one who knows where they live. Oliver and Moalier left to go to china again. To be honest i kind of miss that Mikey guy. We share so much in common. Plus not gonna lie he's kind of cute -3-.
Plus he's musclular, sweet, funny handsome. Why must i be like this. I just met him and I'm already obsessed. Talena hasn't left her room ever since she talked to Venus. Ok now back to the present. I smelled a smell that smelled really gooooood. I got up from my sleep amd went downstairs to see Larota cooking.
"Good Morning Lara!"
"Oh good morning Amy."
"Whatcha makin?"
"Glad you asked. I'm making eggs, bacon, pancakes, breakfast potatoes and toast."
"Woah that's alot."
"Eh well i know you like to eat alot. Plus I'm making coffee for Tally."
Then Venus came in.
"Good morning Vee."
Me and Lara said.
"Oh good morning girls. Is Talena still in her room?"
"Actually I'm right here."
I jumped a bit hearing Talena's voice.
"Don't scare me like that Tally."
"Sorry Amy."
"So Talena would you like to say something?"
Venus said. Lara was finished putting everything on the table and we all sat down. Venus was stirring up her tea. Me and Lara were sitting across from Vee and Tal.
"Alright I'll say it. Talena here has a boyfriend."
Vee said looking at her tea smirking. Talena looked flustered.
"Really Tally?"
Lara said. She didn't seem mad.
"Oh who was it!?"
"It was-"
"It's Donnie."
We all looked shocked. I had a peice of food hangimg from my mouth.
"Oh Raph and the guys are coming today too."
Lara said.
"Wait what!?"
I quickly finished aka eating my breakfast all in one bite.
"Alright call me when they get here."
I could see Lara shaking her head a bit while Vee face palmed. Talena just rolled her eyes smiling a little.
"Oh wait Amy!
I heard Vee. I was just going to open my door. As i was opening it i cought Vee's teabag with my mouth and ate it.
"Thanks Vee!"
I went to my room and switched my shoes into roller skates. They were pink, orange, green, and turquoise. I looked at the time and it was still day. I watched TV until It was time for training.
"Alright girls since we haven't trained with eachother in months we will spar with eachother. I want to know if you're strength has increased. Everyone will spar with everyone. So that being said choose who you want to spar with first and begin!

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