Chapter 11: We are going to be great friends

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Venus's POV:
I went into Tally's room, it was still the same just a little darker. When i saw Larota I immediately hugged her. I haven't seen her in a while. She hugged back.
"Talena, Oliver and Moalier please leave the room. I have to talk Mei."
I gulped but why was I scared. Well she never calls me Mei unless it's a serious matter. I could tell Moalier didn't leave but Lara didn't care.
"Hey Lara."
I said nervously. I noticed that she had a bandage over her eye and a couple of stitches on her mask.
"Why did you leave Talena Here alone De Milo."
"I-. It wasn't my choices Lara.-"
"Larota she is telling the truth."
"You know what Moalier, I don't give a damn about what you have to say! I wanna hear this from Venus."
"Master Furuji forbade me to bring anyone and-"
"I didn't want her to be with you guys because of how reckless you big "Three are"."
Wait what.
"You said it was because i wasn't ready to fight or be the leader so you gave me extra training."
"Well i know you can't fight. You are too weak."
Dang that hurt.
Larota came in between Moalier and I and kind of guarded me.
She jumped on Moalier punching her. She deflected them and kicked her out of the room.
"So we're going there huh."
She got up and grabbed her Kurisigamas.
"Bring it bitch."
They swung at eachother. I was going to stop it but Talena got there first. Moalier looked shocked even if her face was covered you could tell. They had a tint of light blue and purple around they're arms and legs.
"Enough you two! Moalier you have no respect towards the others and you need to stop thinking you can do whatever you want because you have one higher ranking than us! Larota you have to control you're anger! Especially those who piss you off. For now you two will not see eachother. Thats an order from our Sensai Hopu."
"You don't understand Yoso."
"Says the one who can't keep they're mouth shut."
They both went they're separate ways. I followed Larota. I wanted to thank her for sticking up for me. We went upstairs to Lara's room. The door was a really dark red color darker than blood. It had a red phenix on top of a golden dragon  in the front with spikey type graffiti. Also a sign that says "stay the f*** out." Classic Lara. The inside had posters of rock bands and she had a bean bag chair. The walls were falling apart. The place was a bit clean. She had guitars, cooking books and a couple of punching equipments in a corner. Her bed was black with red rose designs on it. Her pillows  black too. She had empty bottles and old news papers. In the middle of her room was a small table with red pillows on each side. Her closet was still intact a bit. Though we don't really need closests, we like to be prepared for anything.
"I'm sorry for leaving Lara. I really am."
"I'm sorry for yelling at you."
She was hugging me. She never hugs me anymore.
"When was the last time we were like this."
I said.
"Oh years ago."
Lara exaggerated. We giggled.
We heard some type of music coming from Amoly's room. Larota noticed and left. I smiled. Her and Amoly have a really good sister relationship.

Amoly's POV:
I started to go to my room with Raph and Mikey. They wanted to see what i got so I'm going to show them. I hope Larota comes. Then i started my DJ. The boys took a seat on my bed. My room was the smallest compared to my sisters. It had light pink walls almost white. I had band posters and a rainbow flag. Of course. I love the LGBTQ+ community. I'm actually Pansexual. So of course i have that flag too.  My door was just white whith stickers on it from when i was little. I have a shelf full of trophies from racing. I also have a collection of all types of boards my favorite being my surf board wich is a swirl of almoat any color you can think of. Mostly green, orange, pink, red and blues. My bed was just a bed with blossem tree designs all over it. When i started to play they were already impressed, they didn't even notice Lara came in. When she sang it startled them.
They looked shocked. Mikey started to shake Raph's arm but he hit him off. When it reached the end of the song, Mikey clapped. I was putting my Little DJ back where it's supposed to.
"Are you giys sisters?"
He asked.
"Yeah actually."
Lara said. Wait she doesn't see them as a threat? I looked at her thinking she's crazy. She looked back and smirked. Oh i get it.
"That's really cool. When Talena came i was like dude no way but now I'm like WOAH NO WAY! You know- Woah!"
I stealthy rapped my Manriki around them making sure the spikes weren't there. They both were hanging upside down.
"Alright so who are ou guys."
Larota said pointing her Kurisigama at Raph almost touching his throat.
"Woah woah woah, easy there Lara. We can trust them. I let them go. They landed on theground and quickly got up.
"Lara. This is Raph and Mikey. They are from earth. So it's fine- ow ow ow ow ow. Lara can you please respect new people for onc- ow. "
She grabbed my finger and dragged my to the door.
"Sorry guys she's just like this when it comes to new people- OW why!"
"Amoly what if they're bad."
"I can assure you they're not Larota but if they do anything wrong tou have permission to beat them-"
Talena started saying.
"With a stick."
I interrupted.
"Yeah sure."
We reentered my room.
"Sorry Lara is just a bit mad Tally didn't tell us about you."
I hid behind Mikey. I didn't want to be turtle soup for her animals.
"It will take a while for me to fully trust you but if you do anything wrong I will not hesitate to feed you to the lions."
"Oh really where the hell are you gonna find Lions in new york city?"
Raph said.
"Anythings possible you know."
They ignored me. They stepped closer to eachother.
"OKAY ANYWAYS! Guys this is Larota. She is considered Royalty and a princess to basically anyone..."
She gave me the stink eye.
"But she will not hesitate to order Aurora's birds to pluck you're eyes out."
She pushed me oit of the way.
"Listen here bud. If you try to hurt anyone here you will know what I'll do."
"Okay sure princess."
Larota tightened her hands.
"So are we good now?"
"Just saying. This was a test to see if you guys were worthy teddy bear."
"I knew it! This is why i have trust issues with you Lara."
"Follow us if you want. But you have to keep it a secret."
They looked so shocked and confused.
"Lara i think it's gonna give them a minute to process-"
"I'm in."
"Wait but- you know what nevermind."
We were headed to the library room? When we got in Larota closed the door and pulled out a key? She went to our right and put it in a silver book and pulled it to reaveal a door.
I said. We went inside of it and it had stairs going down in spirals. She jumped of course. "Welp there goes fearless."
It took a minute until we heard a faint splash.
"Damn it!"
I giggled.
"Larota doesn't like water because she cant swim."
I laughed.
"Shut it amy i know how to swim!"
"Then prove it."
"See. Anyway yoy guys can tke the stairs but im jumping off. Bye."
I could see Raph look over. When i splashed it wasn't that bad. I got Laras hand and got up. Then i heard Mikey and Raph come down. I helped Mikey out of the water when we came down. We started walking.
"So were you guys always mutants?"
Larota asked.
"Though we're only like this because we were experiments."
I got tired of walking so i flicked my ankles to reaveal that they were roller skates. Then i saw mikey bring out his skate board. He must have had the same idea. Then he started hovering.
"Hey wanna race."
He asked.
"Ha bring it."
Then i saw Larota talking to Raph. She was smiling a bit. I never seen her smile to someone else before. They're cute.


"Whoot whoot! Amoly Yoso is undefeated once again! Hahaha!"
Mikey yelled.
"We raced a lot when we were in Monte Carlo."
Larota said.
"Yea! Larota here is undefeatable. She has won every race we've been in. Well almost."
"It was one time and i forgot to upgrade my car."
"You still got 2nd place."
"Anyway we're here."
She said. There were 2 huge metal doors. She pushed them open. The animals were there.  Raph and Mikey seemed a bit scared. It was kind of funny. Lara looked back.
"Everythings fine there's no need to-"
She was attacked by the winged Lion, dragon and wolf.
"Lara are you-"
"Ohhh really. You know how hard it is to get Dragon saliva off!"
The dragon was i guees kissing Larota non-stop. The winged lion was rubbing its head on Lara's chest. The wolf layed on Lara's shoulder. She tried to push them off bit they're force was too strong so she fell over.
"I will call the Alpha"
She said. They immediately went off of Lara as if they understood her.
"See guys it's fine-"
"Lara they're in my eyes again!"
"Hold on."
She said. I was being attacked by the Orange butterflies again.
"Amy will you stay still!?"
I stopped and she sprayed them with the spray thing again.
"Thank you Lara. Oh Mikey i wanna show you something."
I said grabbing his hand.

Mikey's POV:
So Larota is surprisingly calmer than Raph. When i saw the pictures and the videos, I thought she would be different. I kind of feel bad for Amoly though. I mean i do like April but to be honest i don't think she likes me back. I think she likes Casey and Casey likes her. I feel Amoly's love pain. I also can't believe what my eyes were seeing. There were animals everywhere. Not just any animals. Animals that no one would think existed in real life.

Raph's POV:
So when I saw Larota, I thought she would be different. You know because of the pictures and videos. To be honest I think I like this chick. She's really strong and a mutant. When we talked while Amoly and Mikey were having their race, i told her how we were experiments and how I wanted to be human. She said something i wouldn't forget.
"Well if I'm being honest, our differences make us who we are. Being human would just take away a big part of us. You just want to change so people actually like you. Am I right?"
She also told me how she was a mutant for as long as she can remember. Heh. When her Animals were rubbing themselves on her I couldn't help but stare at her. She was beautiful and she understood me. I can't believe myself. I just now met her and i already caught feelings for her. Dang it Raph pull yourself together.
"Hey Raph come here."
I went to her and she was holding five baby bottles of milk and some pig meat on her shoulders.
"Follow me."
I followed her to the side with holes in the rocks. They kind of looked like nests.
She said handing me a bottle. I took it.
"Whats this for?"
She looked at me and moved a bit so i could be next to her. I saw what was in there. There were cubs. Lion cubs with little nub wings. It was amazing how these animals weren't normal. I thought they were just stories. She put three bottles down holding one. She took my hand. Our arms were crossed with eachothers. She made me feed one of them while she fed another.
"You know, I never would have thought we'd ever find more mutants. Male turtles even. I thought we were the only ones."
"Me too. I thought me and my brothers were the only mutant turtles ever but you girls proved me wrong."
I looked at her. Well more like stared bit looking sounds better. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back. I have a feeling the four of us will be great friends maybe we might be something more.

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